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Info Summary[-][--][++]

This is the development topic for my custom ArchLinux KDE4 Distro. The public install page is qLinux ArchLinux

Code Files[-][--][++]

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Code Development To Do List[-][--][++]

  1. Add to installer, screen command with my ~/.screenrc

Shell Build the overlay[-][--][++]

If you want to customize the overlay and upload it for all new installs, follow these steps. For creator only, passwords required
  1. Install the latest fresh qLinux ArchLinux KDE4 distro
  2. Become root su for all commands below
  3. mkdir /mrch, should be owned by root:root
  4. cd /mrch then wget http://mreschke.com/files/184/dev/kde4/overlayscripts/downloadoverlayscripts.sh
  5. chmod a+x downloadoverlayscripts.sh then run it with ./downloadoverlayscripts.sh
  6. chmod a+x * -R
  7. Before you run the main createoverlay.sh script, you must edit it and adjust the variables.
  8. Now you can run the ./createoverlay.sh which will wrap up your system into the overlay.tar.gz file
  9. Now you can push that overlay.tar.gz file back to the server for future installs with ./uploadoverlay.sh
  10. Also, if you modify the overlay scripts, you can push those back to with ./uploadoverlayscripts.sh

Success Runs[-][--][++]

2010-09-24 Script updated and success with ArchLinux 2010.05 NetInstallProblems
  1. dolphine places, some still showing /home/arch instead of proper user, like Music, User, Pictures (desk,doc,down was fine)
  2. on 64bit, /lib64 has no icon, should be grey folder, same as /lib? maybe not because overlay would contain lib64 for 36bit too?
  3. /home icon was not there, prob because this installs home was on diff part ??

QDesk install test notes[-][--][++]

  1. dev had no icon
  2. boot icon not found (gdu-mount)
  3. usr icon not found
  4. the dolphin favorites were /home/mreschke/pictures ...
  5. set headphone alsamixer to 50% by script
  6. remove synergy from menu
  7. add package yaourt (aur search/installer)
  8. A simple way to install all compiling tools, is to pacman -S base-devel
  9. Maybe install abs? no too big
  10. firefox mreschke.com should not be [http://mreschke.com/mrcore/mrticles/Home, http://mreschke.com/mrcore/mrticles/Home,] just mreschke.com

Plan Custom stuff[-][--][++]

  1. Attached is a pacsaur python script, search the AUR
  2. Add tab to firefox
  3. Setup kate (I use kate, not kwrite or kedit)
    1. tabs 4, no wrap, no backups
  4. Setup archlinux artwork
  5. set kernel vga=773
  6. ArchLinux KDM themes
    1. get with archlinux-kdm-themes
    2. run kdesu systemsettings (then advanged and login window, themes..)
  7. Note, KDM require run as root, but splash is by normal user
  8. If you do a full root.tar.gz, the KDM last login username is stored in /var/lib/kdm/kdmsts
    1. AND KDM config files are stored in /usr/share/config/kdm
  9. In dolphine, right click home shortcut, edit to ~/ instead of /home/mreschke, and in settings, set home to / just in case

Post Install for qDesk[-][--][++]

To make this distro exactly how I want it for qdesk, after install I do:
  1. add mr.aliasprivate, update all mr.
  2. make /nwq
  3. add qserver host
  4. add fstab qserver:/nwq /nwq nfs nolock,defaults 0 0
  5. hide drives in dolphin, fix places
  1. pacman -S apache php php-apache mod_perl mod_python mysql-workbench
  2. edit httpd.conf including config/mreschke stuff
  3. edit php.ini (make sure turn on mysql mysqli pdo_mysql and other settings)
  4. install komodo edit
  1. set alt+tab to preset style, switch desktop to slide
  2. set Screen Edges to only when dragging, 250ms
  3. set top-right present all desktops, bottom-right show desktop, top-left desktop grid, bottom-left nothing
  4. set win+w present all desktops, win+e desktop grid
  1. Install dev tools with pacman -S base-devel kernel26-headers
  2. Virtualbox
  3. Install rdesktop
  1. add correct daemons to rc.conf (sshd, mysqld, httpd...)
  2. change sshd port
  3. edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  4. edit /etc/hosts.deny, just comment the All:ALL to stop the (ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host) error
  1. pacman -S webmin
  1. pacman -S amarok gstreamer0.10-plugins
    1. If you have problems switch to pacman -S phonon-xine (archlinux says this is recommended)
    2. see http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MP3:Arch
    3. My arch distro already has the gstream installed, and still wouldn't play mp3s, so I did the xine route


  1. install virtual box
  2. copy virtual machines
  3. install google earth
  4. copy ubuntus mysql databases
  5. install webmin

Shell Create root.tar.gz[-][--][++]

Instead of using a small overlay, you could zip up the entire root directory and install with that. To do that, after you have run the createoverlay.sh (make skel...) you can use this command to tar up entire root. Then on the install, you can extract it by copying it to / and running tar -zxvpf root.tar.gz. Taring up root takes about 10min on the p4, 1g ram, about 710mb.
#Tar up dev / for installation
tar -zcvpf /mrch/root.tar.gz --directory=/ --exclude=boot --exclude=dev --exclude=home/mreschke --exclude=lost+found --exclude=mrch --exclude=proc --exclude=sys --exclude=tmp --exclude=var/cache/pacman/pkg/* --exclude=var/lib/pacman/sync/* .

Shell Root from KDE4[-][--][++]

kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement (not work yet)


(some how, mysql was already installed at this point)
    http://code.google.com/p/quicksynergy/downloads/detail?name=quicksynergy-0.9.0.tar.gz (the synergy gui ONLY Client, I want server) adsfasdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asd f
    Add to rc.local
    synergys --config /home/mreschke/.synergy.conf --daemon --restart
    then make ~/.synergy.conf

dnsutils (dig...)


custom /usr/bin/pacsaur python script (attached to this mrticle)
to install from AUR, use pacman -U /path/to/pkg.tar.gz