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Used for mounting a folder over SSH (Secure Shell File System). So I can map drives from a remote linux server.From


# apt-get install sshfs
# yum install fuse-sshfs
Finally, as sshfs is designed to be used by regular users (not under superuser privileges) you should \add yourself (and possibly others) to the fuse system group. Something like this should do:
# usermod -a -G fuse 
You must logout and login again after that command, so that additional group becomes active for your userid.Create your local folder to mount the server folder to with your normal user permissions
# mkdir /mnt/hserver_seagate750
# chown ubuntu /mnt/hserver_seagate750
# chgrp ubuntu /mnt/hserver_seagate750


Mount a remove share to local folder[-][--][++]

sshfs remote_machine:some/dir local/dir

so example of

sshfs -p 1000 /mnt/hserver_seagate750
If everything is OK, that command will make some/dir on remote_machine available locally in the local/dir hierarchy. You can now perform operations on such mounted files just like you would if you were logged in on the remote_machine.

Unmounting the share[-][--][++]

fusermount -u local/dir

Other SSH networking[-][--][++]