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For this to work the servers /etc/ssh/sshd_config must have
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
On the local client, in a terminal, as the user you normally use to ssh with (like your normal username)
ssh-keygen -t rsa
This generates an RSA key for SSHv2 (v2 is the -t paramater)This creates 2 files in your /home/username/.ssh/ folderid_rsa, which is the private which is the public keyNow we have to get that public key file on to the server your are connecting to with ssh.
scp -P 22 /home/username/.ssh/
Notes, if we always login as say user1 on the server (like ssh then we want that public key authorized_keys2 file \to be in the /home/user1/.ssh folder, not the root/.ssh folder.OK, now on the server side (login to the ssh server)
cd /home/serveruser/.ssh
If the authorized_keys2 file does not exist the first time, make sure you set correct permissions on it after it's created
touch authorized_keys2
chmod 600 authorized_keys2
Now we copy the contents of that \keyfile into the authorized_keys2 file. NOTE that multiple clients can connect to this server without using a password. \So that authorized_keys2 file will have 1 line for each client that can connect. So you have to manage this file if you \don't want a client to connect any more (the client name and servername is at the end of each row like name@ubuntu)
cat >> authorized_keys2
Now we can connect to the remove server without passwords like
ssh -p 22
