of onclick, I am going to add a function AdjustHeight to the onload of the body of the child frameAnd add this function the the iframe aspx page. Doesn't work for me yet because my iframe is nested in a DetailRowSo I have to find the correct name for the iframe.
   function AdjustHeight() {
        parent.document.getElementById('ifrForms').style.height = document.body.scrollHeight + 5;
Javascript Tip: Adjust iframe Size to Fit its ContentsSometimes we put iframe on HTML page and we need to adjust iframe size to fit its contents (iframe source HTML can be very big) ... Below is a small example that demonstrates how to do it:
< iframe id="ifr" src="ifr.html">< /iframe>< br />
< input type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('ifr').style.height =
ifr.document.body.scrollHeight + 5" value="Ajust" />
Fixme Add new resize iframe and textarea from mrcore4 project