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manup install vimrc


,m      toggle line number column
,f      toggle fold column
,q      close current window
,Q      close current buffer
,d      yank line without adding to the yanked stack
,v      reselect text that was just pasted
:w!!    write as sudo
,ev     edit vimrc file
Tab     jump to marching brackets

/       search
K       search for highlighted word
,/      clear search highlights
,z      put highlighted word in search/replace box

za      fold

i       enter insert mode
a       enter insert mode
jj      exit insert mode
esc     exit insert mode

,.      show buffer
,n      show nerd tree
        t to open file in new tab (nerd tree will stay open too)
        s open in new vsplit
        i open in hew hsplit
ctrl+p  show CommandP fuzzy search (also ,t)
        ctrl+t to open in new tab
        ctrl+v to open in new vsplit
        ctrl+o multiple open options        

C-arrow switch splits
        C-w(hjkl) same thing
        C-ww next split

,w      new vsplit
C-ws    new hsplit

C-v     resize vsplit
        :verticle resize +5
25      resize vsplit
        :verticle resize 40
,sh     open previously opened file leftabove
,sl     open previously opened file rightbelow
:res +5 resize hsplit

gt      switch tabs
gT      switch tabs
2gt     switch tabs to 2nd tab