2010-09-24 Script updated and success with ArchLinux 2010.05 NetInstall Problems
To make this distro exactly how I want it for qdesk, after install I do:
Instead of using a small overlay, you could zip up the entire root directory and install with that. To do that, after you have run the createoverlay.sh (make skel...) you can use this command to tar up entire root. Then on the install, you can extract it by copying it to / and running tar -zxvpf root.tar.gz. Taring up root takes about 10min on the p4, 1g ram, about 710mb.
#Tar up dev / for installation tar -zcvpf /mrch/root.tar.gz --directory=/ --exclude=boot --exclude=dev --exclude=home/mreschke --exclude=lost+found --exclude=mrch --exclude=proc --exclude=sys --exclude=tmp --exclude=var/cache/pacman/pkg/* --exclude=var/lib/pacman/sync/* .
leafpad kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement (not work yet) firefox kdebase-dolphin kdebase-plasma kdenetwork-krdc axel python p7zip zip unzip bzip2 gzip rar unace nmap sdd figlet terminator links samba smbclient rdesktop rsync nfs-utils (some how, mysql was already installed at this point) mysql-gui-tools synergy http://code.google.com/p/quicksynergy/downloads/detail?name=quicksynergy-0.9.0.tar.gz (the synergy gui ONLY Client, I want server) adsfasdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asd f Add to rc.local synergys --config /home/mreschke/.synergy.conf --daemon --restart then make ~/.synergy.conf mlocate dnsutils (dig...) chrome? ---------- custom /usr/bin/pacsaur python script (attached to this mrticle) to install from AUR, use pacman -U /path/to/pkg.tar.gz unace