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ArchLinux Pacman Package Manager
is the package manager application used by . Pacmans config file is located at /etc/pacman.conf. Pacman uses different repositories of files. These repos can be added to your system through the pacman.conf. By default, pacman uses 3 repos; core, extra and community. There are a lot of mirrors for pacman across the globe, pacman uses the /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file to determine which mirrors to use. The speed of pacman greatly depends on which mirrors you choose. Pacman uses wget by...
post #137 by mreschke Feb 23rd 2009 (7315 views)
ERPNext on Manjaro
How to get frappe and ERPNext up and running locally on your ArchLinux Manjaro machine This is actually fully untested and from memory only. pyenv is a python version manager that lets you have multiple versions of python on the same system. Need to have pyenv successfully working on your lapbop See Take note of all the ~/.bashrc stuff you have to add There is a pacman version, but its broken, simply use github Once properly installed and you can run the `pyen...
post #380 by mreschke Mar 31st 2020 (1257 views)
qLinux ArchLinux KDE4 Development
= :related: Related Topics :r: :r: :r: :r: This is the development topic for my custom ArchLinux KDE4 Distro. The public install page is Add to installer, screen command with my ~/.screenrc If you want to customize the overlay and upload it for all new installs, follow these steps. For creator only, passwords required Install the latest fresh qLinux ArchLinux KDE4 distro Become root su for all commands below mkdir /mrch, should be owned by root:root cd /mrch then wget
post #223 by mreschke Dec 1st 2010 (4986 views)
qLinux ArchLinux
= KDE4 Version = :related: Related Topics :r: :r: :r: :r: :r: These are my custom linux distributions based on Arch Linux. I have built several different flavors. See below for version descriptions and how to install them. All versions can be install for i686 (32bit) or amb64 (64bit). If you install using the i686 live cd, it installs i686, if you install using the amd64 live cd, it installs amd64. Do NOT install these distros. These are personal distros, very rough installer, can easily ruin y...
post #184 by mreschke Mar 5th 2010 (5784 views)
Respin Your Own Linux Distro
Awesome ubuntu respins (wow, this is what I have been looking for forever, its perfect) Nice ubuntu remaster, notice how they copy certain home folders to /etc/skel remastersys (debian ubuntu) systemimager (any?) kickstart (Red Had/Fedora/Centos) remasterme (PCLinuxOS) Mount an ISO, then chroo...
post #179 by mreschke Jan 28th 2010 (6082 views)
Related Topics If you use HAL, start dbus before hal, even though hal will start dbus and acpid, explicitly add dbus before hal anyway Do not background dbus Do not background anything you need immediately DAEMONS=(syslog-ng gensplash dbus hal network netfs @avahi-daemon @samba @crond @openntpd @cups @mpd) I like @syslog-ng network @netfs dbus @hal @crond kdm The default base install is syslog-ng network netfs crond Installation Guid at http:wiki.archli...
post #136 by mreschke Feb 23rd 2009 (5729 views)
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results