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ArchLinux Pacman Package Manager
is the package manager application used by . Pacmans config file is located at /etc/pacman.conf. Pacman uses different repositories of files. These repos can be added to your system through the pacman.conf. By default, pacman uses 3 repos; core, extra and community. There are a lot of mirrors for pacman across the globe, pacman uses the /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file to determine which mirrors to use. The speed of pacman greatly depends on which mirrors you choose. Pacman uses wget by...
post #137 by mreschke Feb 23rd 2009 (7317 views)
Burn CD/DVD and ISO Images in Linux
k3b uses this command /usr/bin/growisofs -Z /dev/sr1=/dev/fd/0 -use-the-force-luke=notray -use-the-force-luke=tty -use-the-force-luke=4gms -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:331264 -use-the-force-luke=dao:331264 -dvd-compat -speed=8 -use-the-force-luke=bufsize:32m wodim cdrecord (old, use wodim)... For example, to dump the content of /home/user directory into a standard CD ISO-9660 filesystem i...
post #126 by mreschke Feb 9th 2009 (5219 views)
Awk Command
See also and Awk is a very powerfull line editor filter or small programming language available in all unix style operating systems. This page contains small tutorial awk scripts and snippets. Columns are automatically assigned $1 - $n. And $0 is the entire line Awk has some built in functions: gsub(r,s) globally replaces r with s within the line ($0) index(s,t) returns first position of string t in s (or 0 if not present) length(s) returns the number of characters in s match(s,r...
post #225 by mreschke Dec 4th 2010 (6667 views)
Windows Powershell
> Amazing script, this is for converting VHD's but it is an amazing reference, even build a GUI: (actual script How to even create and run a script file Basically enable local script execution with Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Always run scripts with either their full path c:\test\scri...
post #259 by mreschke Jul 13th 2011 (3297 views)
Sed Command
See Also and Replace all occurrence's in a file (and write back to the same file) sed -i "s/this/withthis/g" /tmp/somefile Replace output newline (carriage return) with sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' emailbody="Your Directory`/bin/ls -Rhal $yourdir|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\ng'`"
post #226 by mreschke Dec 6th 2010 (3109 views)
Linux Find Command
Ten usefull commands for FIND find ./ -name "*.mp3" this is casesensative find ./ -iname "*.mp3" this one is case-insensative find / -type d -print (to list only directories) find / -type l -print (to list only soft links) find / -type b -print (to list only bliock special files) find / -type f -print (to list only regular files)' find ./ -not -iname *.mp3 -not -iname *.jpg -not -iname *.jpeg like to find all junk thats not music or music re...
post #132 by mreschke Feb 17th 2009 (2961 views)
BSD Help
FYI, new install of FreeBSD 9.0-BETA3 with docs, src, ports,, (basic standard full install) ended up using 2.5g HD space. The new installer defaults entire drive to / slice, in fact the entire installer is quite different that previous versions, much easier it seems. portsnap fetch portsnap extract portsnap upgrade (after that just 'portsnap fetch update' to get latest ports) whereis portupgrade cd /usr/ports make quicksearch name=portupgrade cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade; mak...
post #122 by mreschke Dec 31st 2008 (4767 views)
Xsel command line clipboard
Program that copies command output to the clipboard xsel is a linux GNU tool used to copy command line output or file output to your standard clip board for pasting. To copy a text to the middle mouse button clipboard: xsel < /etc/fstab To copy to the context-menu clipboard: xsel --clipboard < /etc/fstab Also Xsel can be piped to: echo “a-bit-of-text” | xsel -c cat /etc/make.conf | xsel -c Paste To output clipboard informa...
post #114 by mreschke Oct 14th 2008 (21298 views)
Manage Linux Users and Groups
A quick topic describing how to create and manage linux users and groups from the command line. This topic only describes what linux users and groups are and how to manage them. It does not explain security and permissions for those users. Please see for help on that topic. > Remember to use --help (example usermod --help to see a help list for that command Linux is a multi-user operating system. The linux user system uses users and groups to define a users role on the system. A user...
post #104 by mreschke Sep 13th 2008 (7154 views)
Debian Apt-Get
You can see a list of all packages installed by dpkg --get-selections, some packages will say "deinstall" next to them, this means that package has been uninstalled, but old data is still ramaining. You can purge these uninstalled packages by dpkg --purge the-nameof-the-package. If you wanted to write a loop to --purge all package with deinstall, do this for i in $(dpkg --get-selections|grep deinstall|awk '{print $1}'); do dpkg -P $i; done To Count installed packages dpkg --get-selections|grep i...
post #90 by mreschke Jul 22nd 2008 (2335 views)
Linux Screen Command
The following are some of the most used shortcuts that lets you navigate through your screen environment. Note that unless modified by your .screenrc, by default every screen shortcut is preceded by CtrlNote that these shortcuts are case-sensitive (so use shift A and K...) Dont forget to hit Ctrl 0 through 9 - Switches between windows CtrlBackspace - Switches to the previous available CtrlA - Changes window session name K - Kills a window session c - Creates a new window ' Default screens scree...
post #68 by mreschke May 21st 2008 (5398 views)
Iptables Firewall
<p>This document describes a small portion of iptables and how to setup a basic firewall using iptables. There are many huge books on iptables so I cannot go into any sort of detail here. If you want to create a more advanced firewall, then I suggest installing shorewall and reading the documentation <a class="urlLink" href="" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"></a> about setting it up. I generally use shorewall on my systems and configure them using <a class="urlLink" href="" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"></a>.</p>
post #66 by mreschke May 20th 2008 (5413 views)
Linux Paths
Paths are the locations for executables which can be accessed from any location. echo $PATH PATH=$PATH:/dir/dir1 I downloaded UNace (an .ace acrhive extractor) I copied the unace folder to /usr/bin/ I added a path: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/unace now I can type unace anywhere, and it finds it from the path To edit a path for a user open $HOME/.bash_profile or to edit for all users edit /etc/profile In either file you will see: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin, just add paths to that, separate paths by a : PATH:$P...
post #43 by mreschke Apr 15th 2008 (2182 views)
Daemons and Runlevels
See LXF 114 p48, 'Banish Your Daemons' Runlevels are defined levels in which a linux operating system can start. Daemons (or services) are scripts/programs that run in the background constantly (like apache or mysql are services that are always running) and are usually executed at startup by the defined runlevel. Runlevels are identified by a number from 0 - 6, but each linux distribution may use those numbers a bit differently. Basically a runlevel determines which daemons to execute at startu...
post #41 by mreschke Apr 12th 2008 (13048 views)
Favorite Linux Commands
<p>A list of my favorite or often used (and forgotten) linux commands (favcom).</p> <p>Most of the favorite one liners below come from <a class="urlLink" href="" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"></a> These are only the ones that I have found to be useful for me. Browse and search commandlinefu for yourself to find thousands of incredible linux commands. Also check out the references links, a lot of them simply goto commandlinefu with custom search queries.</p>
post #25 by mreschke Feb 14th 2008 (6254 views)
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