Say I have a datagrid with just one column, several rows, with a checkbox in each row.
I want to build a save function that saves each checked item to the database.

I also want to be able to click anywhere on the datagrid row and have that check/uncheck the box for me, which \
I will achieve with javascript and html events.

Loop datagrid[-][--][++]

First, the datagrid is named grdUserGroups
I have one datagrid column, wich a TemplateColumn in it. That template column's item has 2 forms, a \
check box named chkUserGroup with the name (say the username) displayed, \
and a hidden label called lblID with the database uniquie ID of that field.

public sub save(userID as int16)
  Dim item As DataGridItem = Nothing
  Dim userGroupID As Int16 = 0
  Dim checked As Boolean = False

  'First I would delete all records from the database table with this userID
  'to clear all the old records (or the SaveToDatabase could remove duplicates if already in db)

  For i As Int16 = 0 To grdUserGroups.Items.Count - 1
    item = grdUserGroups.Items(i)
    checked = CType(item.FindControl("chkUserGroup"), CheckBox).Checked
    If checked = True Then
      userGroupID = Val(CType(item.FindControl("lblID"), Label).Text.Trim)
      If userID > 0 Then
        SaveToDatabase(userID, userGroupID)
      End If
    End If
end sub

Make Each Datagrid row click effect the checkboxes[-][--][++]

Instead of being confined to clicking the checkbox name to check/uncheck the box, I want to click anywhere on \
that datagrid row to check/uncheck the box. I would use javascript to do so and pass the checkboxes ID. The problem \
is that I can't just pass 'chkUserGroup' because it doesn't exist. The datagrid makes up its own unique name \
for each checkbox because there are multiple rows. And in my case the grid is in a user control so that UC's \
name is also added to the unique checkbox name.

So the check box names for my project look like

the ctl03 is the 3rd user control I have on the page, grdUserGroups is the datagrid name, ctl04 is the 4th checkbox \
in the datagrid (the 4th row in other words) and chkUserGroup is the name of the checkbox I set in the grid template edit.

Protected Sub grdUserGroups_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles grdUserGroups.ItemDataBound
  Select Case e.Item.ItemType
    Case ListItemType.AlternatingItem, ListItemType.Item
      'If the dg row is clicked anywhere, check/uncheck the box with javascript
      Dim chk As CheckBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("chkUserGroup"), CheckBox)
      chk.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "allowCheck = false;")
      chk.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "allowCheck = true;")
      e.Item.Attributes.Add("onclick", "toggleChkUserGroup('" & chk.ClientID & "');")
  End Select
End Sub

So the chk.ClientID will be like


... and so on, one for each datagrid row

Now the javascript is

var allowCheck = false;
function toggleChkUserGroup(clientId) {
  //clientId look like ctl03_grdUserGroups_ctl04_chkUserGroup
  if (allowCheck == true) {
    chk = document.getElementById(clientId);
    if (chk.checked == true) {
      chk.checked = false;
    } else {
      chk.checked = true;

Now you can click anywhere on the row to check or uncheck the box and you can retrieve a list of what boxes are \

You may have noticed the allowCheck flag. I added this because without it, if you clicked on the \
square box itself, nothing would happen. Thats because ASP was checking the box, then my javascript was \
unchecking it real fast.