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The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Reschke, Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following c...
post #317 by mreschke Oct 1st 2013 (2496 views)
Wiki Markup Cheat Sheet
The main wiki engine used in mRcore is [ Text_Wiki]. I have added several custom rules and tags to the source of text_wiki and mRcore. All official text_wiki syntax is supported, nothing has been removed, just modified a bit (denoted with * below). **This is the quick cheat sheet for the custom wiki parser used in mRcore.** An official [ Text_Wiki] cheat sheet can be found [ here].
post #21 by mreschke Jan 26th 2008 (16669 views)
Password Generator
Check Password Strength Here The Strongest and Easiest to Remember! 4 Random Words 3 Random Words and a Number Random Alpha-Numeric (less secure) 4 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters 6 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters 8 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters - 4 Random Lower Case Characters 6 Random Lower Case Characters 8 Random Lower Case Characters - 4 Random Upper Case Characters 6 Random Upper Case Characters 8 Random Upper Case Characters
post #308 by mreschke Jun 7th 2013 (817 views)
SVN Command Line Usage
cd /var/www/ svn co mrcore4 This creates a dir named mrcore4 with contents of trunk cd mrcore4 and svn info to see info If you want to checkout by revision 123 use svn co mrcore4 All commands are from the root dir of your project To commit local changes into a report, you must run the add or delete command on each file. Run svn status shows if a file is A: File to be added C: Conflicting changes D: File to be d...
post #271 by mreschke Oct 20th 2011 (2757 views)
Windows Powershell
> Amazing script, this is for converting VHD's but it is an amazing reference, even build a GUI: (actual script How to even create and run a script file Basically enable local script execution with Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Always run scripts with either their full path c:\test\scri...
post #259 by mreschke Jul 13th 2011 (3297 views)
mRcore4 API Documentation
Official mRcore4 RESTful API Documentation! :r: Why? I have created several RESTful API's simply because I wanted to learn how to develop webservices using PHP and REST. I sort of followed Twitters API URL style (, if they can't do REST, no one can eh? Eventually I would like to create a native Android application for mRcore4 using these API's, and possibly experiment abstracting the database layer completely, making all queries through an API. It has already come in ha...
post #255 by mreschke Jun 14th 2011 (6111 views)
PHP Snippets
Small miscellaneous PHP code snippets and scripts while (list($key, $value) = each($_POST)) { echo "$key - $value"; }
post #244 by mreschke Apr 14th 2011 (2215 views)
Regular Expressions I have a large html file, I want to remove anything between the tags, even if the contents is on multiple lines. There is a regex option called RegexOptions.MultiLine which I though would work, but its actually the RegexOptions.Singleline below what makes it span multiple lines, see for details on RegexOptions.Singleline. Dim reg As New Regex...
post #238 by mreschke Mar 8th 2011 (3087 views)
Android Development
Easy install is to add to your /etc/pacman.conf file then through aur install android-sdk sudo pacman -S jdk eclipse sudo yaourt -S android-sdk Note, the android-sdk is in the AUR, which is why I use yaourt Add /opt/android-sdk/tools if not already added by installer in /etc/profile and logout and back in or restart Run eclipse Install the WST Server Adapters In eclipse, Help->Install New Software Select the 'Helios -' item from the 'Work With:' dropdow...
post #237 by mreschke Feb 26th 2011 (8474 views)
This script will email a log file (or any file specified) only if the file is under a certain size. If the file is over that size limit, it will still email, but no log will be attached. See Script does not use parameters, everything is hard coded, so just call the .vbs. Great in a scheduled task to email you a daily log file. Can easily be modified with parameters for various purposes. Option Explicit Dim iMsg, iConf, Flds, pc 'Email vars Dim logFile, maxLogSize 'Log vars Dim FSO, File, strSiz...
post #213 by mreschke Nov 10th 2010 (2632 views)
This script will start or stop a process by process name. If the process is already running with a start is called, it will not start a duplicate. The benefit is that it will NOT start the script twice. So if you want to ensure an application is running all the time, just setup a scheduled task to run this script every 10 minutes, if the .exe dies it will start it, if the .exe is still running, it won't start a duplication. REM Example Script.bat (note I path to the .exe dir so it runs in its l...
post #212 by mreschke Nov 10th 2010 (2417 views)
This script will recursively delete all files in every subfolder older than X days. Will not delete any folders, just files. I create a batch file and call the vbs script for any directory I need purged. rem Use this script to clean up any old files automatically. rem This .bat will be called weekly from a scheduled task, and will rem call the d:\production\batch\generic\DeleteOldFiles.vbs with directory/day parameters rem the commands will not run simultaneously (unless they begin with start)...
post #211 by mreschke Nov 10th 2010 (4898 views)
Javascript Session Timeout
I nice piece of javascript to alert the user X minutes before their session will timeout. Then again when their session actually times out. After they click OK on the last message, it redirects back to the login page (or wherever you want). The only variables you need to edit are warn_sec, timeout_sec, and window.location.href. Session Timeout Warning and Redirect mReschke 2010-09-29 function InitSessionTimer() { /mReschke 2010-09-29 */ warn_sec = 59 60 1000; Warning time in milliseconds timeout...
post #201 by mreschke Sep 29th 2010 (15867 views)
Python Tutorial
django installation on ubuntu server using WSGI works great! Great Tutorials and #!/usr/bin/env python Tuples (like lists but immutable) mytuple = (1, 2, 'three') print len(mytuple) print mytuple #tuple = 'hi' #error, immutable def Foo(): tuple = ('one', 'two') return tuple test = Foo() print test (one, two)...
post #195 by mreschke Jul 9th 2010 (5303 views)
Adjust iFrame Height Instead of onclick, I am going to add a function AdjustHeight to the onload of the body of the child frame And add this function the the iframe aspx page. Doesn't work for me yet because my iframe is nested in a DetailRow So I have to find the correct name for the iframe. function AdjustHeight() { parent.document.getElementById('ifrForms').style.height = document.body.scrollHeight } Javascript Tip: Adjust iframe Size to Fit its Contents Sometimes we put...
post #171 by mreschke Jan 7th 2010 (3154 views)
Recursive File Search or List in .NET
I am sure you all have your functions for a recursive directory/file listing, or file searching by wildcard function for .net, but here is another one, works great. I use it to get a list of all *.aspx pages in a project like this. Dim baseDirectory As System.IO.DirectoryInfo = New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(“c:\projects\SSO\”) Dim x As New DSF.SSO.Other.FileSearch(baseDirectory, "*.aspx") Dim pageName As String = "" x.Search(, "*.aspx") lblMessage.Text = "" For Each f As System.IO.FileInfo In...
post #153 by mreschke Sep 10th 2009 (2893 views)
Concat Strings and Variables in ASPX Page
Lets say you have a datagrid with a hyperlink on each row that points to, where the ID is part of the dataset. Usually what I would do is add in the hyperlink NavigationURL in the .vb codebehind in the grid_ItemDataBound function like 'Tracker Copies Grid Protected Sub grdCopies_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles grdCopies.ItemDataBound Select Case e.Item.ItemType Case ListItemType.AlternatingItem, ListI...
post #150 by mreschke Jul 7th 2009 (7115 views)
Display Table Sizes in MSSQL
This query will display a list of all tables along with disk sizes and index sizes -- Get all tables rows count, sizes, index size in MB -- mReschke 2012-10-16 SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @cmdstr VARCHAR(100) CREATE TABLE #TempTable ( VARCHAR(150), ROW_COUNT INT, Table_Size VARCHAR(150), Data_Space_Used VARCHAR(150), Index_Space_Used VARCHAR(150), Unused_Space VARCHAR(150)) CREATE TABLE #TempTable2 (TableName VARCHAR(150), INT, DataMB INT, IndexMB INT, TotalMB INT, UnusedMB INT) SELECT @cmdstr = 'sp_...
post #147 by mreschke Jun 5th 2009 (3077 views)
DevExpress ASPxGridView
DevExpress ASPxGridView In this example, the GridView has 4 columns, a column with a checkbox, and 3 columns of data. I want to loop through all grid columns and get which checkboxes are selected. (Note the same column with the checkbox also has a hiddel ASPxLabel called lblID that holds the OPC_ID of the database row to be deleted). And in the GetCurrentPageRowValues("Confirm"), confirm is the header name (not caption, but name=) of a column in the grid (column display headers are 'Confirm,Op...
post #145 by mreschke May 18th 2009 (9643 views)
Concat Rows in MSSQL
How to return a comma separated list, in one column, from a field in multiple rows. If you have, for example, email addresses on multiple rows in a table but want to return them as one column, comma separated. Example: Database table ID | report_id | email | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | I want a return of report_id | email -| 1 | email1@emailcom,, To achieve this, you must create a user defined function which will conc...
post #138 by mreschke Mar 3rd 2009 (3950 views)
Batch File Snippets
@echo off FOR /F "TOKENS=1DELIMS= " %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET CDATE=%%B FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 eol=/ DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET mm=%%B FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2 DELIMS=/ eol=/" %%A IN ('echo %CDATE%') DO SET dd=%%B FOR /F "TOKENS=2,3 DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('echo %CDATE%') DO SET yyyy=%%B FOR /F "TOKENS=1-5 DELIMS=:" %%d in ("%time%") DO SET h=%%d FOR /F "TOKENS=1-5 DELIMS=:" %%d in ("%time%") DO SET m=%%e FOR /F "TOKENS=1-5 DELIMS=:" %%d in ("%time%") DO SET s=%%f SET dateFilename=%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%_%h%...
post #124 by mreschke Jan 16th 2009 (3062 views)
Loop Datagrid and get Forms
Say I have a datagrid with just one column, several rows, with a checkbox in each row. I want to build a save function that saves each checked item to the database. I also want to be able to click anywhere on the datagrid row and have that check/uncheck the box for me, which I will achieve with javascript and html events. First, the datagrid is named grdUserGroups I have one datagrid column, wich a TemplateColumn in it. That template column's item has 2 forms, a check box named chkUserGroup with...
post #112 by mreschke Oct 1st 2008 (3004 views)
Javascript Snippets
Example, loops all checkboxes on page with certain name and alerts if they are checked Note: masterform is the name of my variable for (var i = 0; i < document.masterform.elements.length; i if (document.masterform.elements.type == 'checkbox') { if (, 12) == 'chk_project_') { if (document.masterform.elements.checked) { alert('You Checked: ' } } } } A bit different than looping forms, this will loop all elements (like divs, spans, links...). function t...
post #110 by mreschke Sep 25th 2008 (4137 views)
Javascript WZ_ToolTip
Find most documentation online at Very awesome javascript tooltips, very advanced. One thing I did find is in IE7 (and maybe others, didn't test), the page loads very slowly with wz_tooltip in there. The fix was found at I edited wz_tooltip tt_Err("There are HTML elements to be converted to tooltips.\nIf you" It defaultly says, true at the end. I am using an html element with all my tooltip d...
post #91 by mreschke Jul 23rd 2008 (5874 views)
ASP.NET DataSet or DataTable to Excel
Export a dataset or datatable to excel .csv then stream (prompt for download) the file. This code uses a datatable, if you have a dataset, just convert to datatable like so Dim dt as new DataTable dt = ds.Tables(0) Dim sw As New System.IO.StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/data.csv"), false); Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable ds = Session("trkDsResults") dt = ds.Tables(0) Dim iCol As Int16 = dt.Columns.Count Dim i As Int16 For i = 0 To iCol - 1 sw.Write(dt.Columns(i)) If i < iCol - 1 The...
post #84 by mreschke Jul 16th 2008 (3472 views)
ASP.NET Datagrid to HTML
Export an ASP.NET datagrid to HTML Then you could stream the file to their browser with
post #85 by mreschke Jul 16th 2008 (3391 views)
ASP.NET Alternate POST Method
When you click a button in ASP.NET, it POSTS to itself and calls the btnXXX_click function. One way to make it go to another .aspx page on click is to call Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect from within that btnXXX_click function, but no form variables will be passed along. I want to goto a btnXXX_Click function when the button is clicked, then do some stuff, then redirect to another page along with the form variables Doing a Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect will NOT transfer the form var...
post #78 by mreschke Jun 11th 2008 (3249 views)
ASP.NET Datagrid Date Formatting with NULLS
When displaying a formated date string in an ASP.NET datagrid, you get an error if the dataset field is NULL If closeDate is not NULL, this works fine, otherwise it errors. This works if closeDate is not NULL, otherwise it displays MM/dd/yyyy (in that format, not date format, does not display date) This works if closeDate is null (displays nothing), or contains a date. This is what you want to use.
post #77 by mreschke Jun 11th 2008 (3742 views)
.NET Directory to DataGrid
Add a directory of files to a datagrid For greater control, you can , then bind the dataset to the datagrid.
post #74 by mreschke Jun 5th 2008 (3293 views)
.NET Directory to Dataset
This article adds the files in a directory (with wildcards) into a datatable, then to a dataset. With slight modifications to this function you can return the file list as a dataset, datatable or string array. See Private Sub TabArchivesEvents() Dim archivePath As String Dim dirInfo As DirectoryInfo archivePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ExecutiveAnalysisArchivesFolder") & Me.DLR_ID & "\" If Directory.Exists(archivePath) Then dirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(archivePath...
post #71 by mreschke May 22nd 2008 (5438 views)
.NET Listbox
For i = 0 To lstRecipients.Items.Count - 1 If lstRecipients.Items(i).Selected Then tmp = lstRecipients.Items(i).Value 'This is the selected users ID from tblLogin (not email) lstRecipients.Items(i).Selected = False End If Next
post #62 by mreschke May 16th 2008 (2280 views)
Very handy VBScript, watches a process during a certian time interval, if it's running good, if not start it unless it's beyond the time interval, then kill it. Good if you want a program to run between 1pm-5pm but not the rest of the time. Hook this up to a scheduled task and exec every 10 minutes to ensure app is running or app is dead. IF the process is down in the time frame, it will start it, and send out an email that it was down. See You must edit the script below. Must set the process t...
post #58 by mreschke May 6th 2008 (3146 views)
VBScript File List
<p>This script accepts a path (ex: c:\temp\*.* or c:\*.txt) and builds a 1 dimensional array of the files that match the directory/wildcard.</p>
post #56 by mreschke May 6th 2008 (2955 views)
VBScript Snippets
dim filesys set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If filesys.FileExists("c:\sourcefolder\anyfile.html") Then filesys.MoveFile "c:\sourcefolder\anyfile.html", "c:\destfolder\" End If Get the last modified date and time of a file Private Function FileDateTime(byVal pathname) Dim objFSO, objFile On Error Resume Next Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(pathname) If Err Then FileDateTime = Null Else FileDateTime = CDate( objFil...
post #55 by mreschke May 6th 2008 (2898 views)
Even Tabs in Pre Tag
<p>Using the simple HTML <pre> tag with tabs often returns a bad result. The HTML parser will just convert those tab characters into spaces, an exact amount of spaces each time leaving you with uneven tabs.</p> <p><strong>Like this</strong><br /> <div class="code_outer"><span class="code_header">Code Snippet</span><pre class="code"><code>test one te two testing three </code></pre></div> </p>
post #49 by mreschke May 1st 2008 (2489 views)
VBScript Basics
function test() dim a a = "Hi there" test = a 'This returns a end function Option Explicit 'Check a process, restart it and send email alert, or kill process depending on time window 'Original script created by NetRes 'Modified by mReschke 2008-04-28 (converted to functions, actions change by time, email enhancements, globals, generic process killer) 'If process is NOT running between start/endHour then restart it and send an email if sendEmail = true 'If process is running outside of start/end...
post #46 by mreschke Apr 29th 2008 (2988 views)
Send Email using VBScript
This is just a function snippet, sends an email with attachments, must manually edit function with email and attachment parameters. Used in and Sub SendLogEmail() Set pc = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") Set Flds = iConf.Fields Const schema = "" dim emailBody Flds.Item(schema & "sendusing") = 2 Flds.Item(schema & "smtpserver") = "" Flds.Item(schema & "...
post #45 by mreschke Apr 29th 2008 (5820 views)
Impersonation in ASP.NET
<p>Impersonation is the concept whereby an application executes under the context of the identity of the client that is accessing the application. This is achieved by using the access token provided by IIS.</p> <p>Can impersonate entire website by editing the web.config or impersonate chunks of code in the codebehind.<br /> <strong>Very usefull when accessing folders on a remote server that has no domain</strong></p>
post #29 by mreschke Feb 29th 2008 (3229 views)
MSSQL Shared Servers
<ol> <li>Goto Administration Tools -> Component Services<ol> <li>Under Services (local), start the 'Distributed Transaction Coordinator'</li> <li>Goto properties on 'Distributed Transaction Coordinator', Log On tab, make sure account is NetworkServices</li> </ol></li> <li>Under Component Services, expand to My Computer, goto properties on My Computer<ol> <li>MSDTC tab, then click Security Configuration</li> <li>Check 'Network DTC Access'</li> <li>Check 'Allow Remote Administration'</li> <li>Check 'Allow Inbound'</li> <li>Check 'Allow Outbound'</li> <li>Check 'No Authentication Required'</li> <li>Check 'Enable Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) Transactions'</li> <li>Check 'Enable XA TRansactions'</li> <li>The Acount should be NetworkServices here also</li> </ol></li> <li>Open MSSQL Enterprise Manager, expand to localhost<ol> <li>Open Security</li> <li>Right Click Linked Servers, click New Linked Server...</li> <li>Enter each servers information, on each server</li> </ol></li> </ol>
post #27 by mreschke Feb 18th 2008 (2683 views)
Javascript Textarea Tab Override
Override tabs in a HTML textarea box. The only problem with this script, is that if you are in a large textarea, where there are scroll bars, when you hit tab, it scrolls to the top, try it, it really sucks! > FIX: I fixed this scroll behavior, update this topic to reflect the changes > Also added other keys, like shift function TabAwareTextArea( o ) { this._o = o; this._isTabLast = false; for gecko: this._restoreFocusWithCaret = -1; this._las...
post #24 by mreschke Jan 30th 2008 (3389 views)
Javascript Tabs
A nice example of javascript clientside tabs, with current tab highlighting body {font-size:83%;padding:1em 0.5em;margin:0;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} h1 {margin:0;font-weight:normal} h2 {font-weight:normal;font-size:1.35em} img {border:0;} td {font-size:83%} div.leftpad{ margin-left:25%;margin-top:27px;} .bluelink {color:#0000cc;} #footer {margin-top:2em;border-top:1px solid #ccc;padding:1em 0;color:#666;text-align:center;} #infotable {border-collapse:} #infotable p {margin:1em...
post #14 by mreschke Dec 14th 2007 (2850 views)
Javascript Select Checkboxes
All Checkbox1 Checkbox2 Checkbox3 All Checkbox1 Checkbox2 Checkbox3
post #15 by mreschke Dec 14th 2007 (2001 views)
mRcore Version Information
= mRcore 4.0 Current Theme = mRcore 4.0 Previous Theme = mRcore 2.0 Final Theme = View All Screenshots :r: Find out dates of each version :r: Since the day I got my first Apple IIc computer at age 10 and started learning Apple Basic I have always attempted to develop the same type of applications, content management systems. I really don't know why but I have always had a desire to catalog everything in my life in digital form. Perhaps it's because I feel I have a poor memory, or perhaps, being...
post #11 by mreschke Dec 9th 2007 (8649 views)
Showing 1 to 43 of 43 results