This article adds the files in a directory (with wildcards) into a datatable, then to a dataset.

With slight modifications to this function you can return the file list as a dataset, datatable or string array.

See .NET Add Directory to DataGrid

Code Using FileInfo[-][--][++]

    Private Sub TabArchivesEvents()
        Dim archivePath As String
        Dim dirInfo As DirectoryInfo
        archivePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ExecutiveAnalysisArchivesFolder") & Me.DLR_ID & "\"
        If Directory.Exists(archivePath) Then
            dirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(archivePath)
            Dim dt As New DataTable

            Dim dc As DataColumn
            Dim dr As DataRow
            dc = New DataColumn("Name", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
            dc = New DataColumn("Size", System.Type.GetType("System.Double"))

            For Each fi As FileInfo In dirInfo.GetFiles("*.*")
                dr = dt.NewRow
                dr.Item("Name") = fi.Name
                dr.Item("Size") = Round(fi.Length / 1024, 2) 'Now in KB

            dt.DefaultView.Sort = "Name DESC"
            grdFiles.DataSource = dt
        End If
        lblFileCount.Text = "Showing " & grdFiles.Items.Count & " of " & dirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos("*.*").Length & " Reports"

    End Sub

Code Using GetFiles/Array[-][--][++]

Cons, dir.GetFiles only returns the filename, you can't add other stuff like \
modify date, size, ... to the data table

Public Shared Function GetHTMLStack() As DataSet
    Dim dir As Directory
    Dim Files As String()
    Dim file As String
    Dim dtFiles As New DataTable
    Dim dtCol As DataColumn
    Dim dtRow As DataRow

    dtCol = New DataColumn
    dtCol.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
    dtCol.ColumnName = "htmlFile"

    Files = dir.GetFiles(Generator.htmlStackPath, "*.html")

    For Each file In Files
        dtRow = dtFiles.NewRow
        dtRow.Item("htmlFile") = Generator.htmlStackPath & file

    Dim ds As New DataSet
    Return ds
End Function
