
The main wiki engine used in mRcore is Text_Wiki. I have added several custom rules and tags to the source of text_wiki and mRcore. All official text_wiki syntax is supported, nothing has been removed, just modified a bit (denoted with * below). This is the quick cheat sheet for the custom wiki parser used in mRcore. An official Text_Wiki cheat sheet can be found here.

Very Important: In many examples I put a space after the first < so my parser does not pick it up in the examples below, but when your actually typing a document, don't include the space.

* Entire tag not included in default Text_Wiki parser, an mRcore custom enhancement.
** Included in default Text_Wiki parser, but has been modified/expanded for mRcore.

Quick Cheats[-][--][++]

Anchor [[# anchorname]]
Auth < auth>..< /auth> Inline or Block
Blockquote >
Bold **bold text** Italic //italic text// Underline __underlined text__ Strike @@---striked out text@@
Box < box>< /box> or < box :somesmileyicon:>< /box> or < box [[ image someimage ]]>< /box> Inline or own line
Center =
Code Block < code type="" title="">< /code>
Code Inline {{inline code here}}
Color ##red|some text here##

Comment < #this would be a comment> or HTML style < !-- comment --> Inline or own line
Embed < embed type location>
Exclude text only from included document < exclude>...< /exclude>
Files see Files
Headings +...N. Force close < /+...N>, force collapsed < ->, omit from TOC < notoc>, print page break < pagebreak>
Highlight < highlight color>
Horizontal Line -----
HTML < html>< /html>
Images [[image]] or [[image files/21/file.jpg link="local:/files/21/file.jpg"]] ...
Include Topic < include xx> or Include Topic Section only < include xx somesection>
Info Box < info>...< /info> and < infol>...< /infol> for left justify
Links to Topics ((1)) or ((About or ((1|ClickMe)) or ((About|ClickMe))
Links to URLs [ ClickMe] or local:/search or [local:/search ClickMe]
List Definition : Item 1 : Something here
List Ordered #
List Unordered *
New Line [ \n]
No Print < noprint>..< /noprint>

PHP Lookup [[php eregi_replace]]
Private < priv>..< /priv> Inline or Block
Raw Surround with two tildes
Revise see Revise
Section < section somename>...</ section>
Smileys and Icons see Smileys or Smileys and Icons
Subscript Y,,1,, + X
Superscript x^^2^^ + y
Table of Contents [[toc]]
Tables see Tables
Teaser < teaser>< /teaser>
Textarea with raw HTML must be closed with < /!textarea>

Wiki Syntax Details[-][--][++]

Anchor **[-][--][++]

  1. Create an anchor in a page with [[# anchorname]]
  2. ** Then link to it with [local:#anchorname ClickMe] or [local:/topic/1#anchorname] or ((1#anchorname)) or ((About#anchor|ClickMe))
  3. ** Anchor link will expand all header content first, then navigate to that anchor

Auth *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. < auth>..< /auth> can be inline or block, though if you use inline make sure the end tag is also on that same line
  3. Hides the enclosed text from unauthenticated users (so hides from the public)
  4. See also Private


  1. I use to display NOTICES or NOTES
  2. On its own line with one or more > followed by one space
  3. > NOTE: mRcore Rocks
  4. >> More sub blockquotes etc...

Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike[-][--][++]

  1. Bold: **bold text** (surround by 2 *) OR surround by 3 '
  2. Italic: //italic text// (surround by 2 /) OR surround by 2 '
  3. Underline: __underlined text__ (surround by 2 _ (underscores))
  4. Strike: @@---striked out text@@

Box *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. Surround text with a box, and add optional left side image or text
  3. < box>< /box> inline or block
  4. Optional to add an image to the left of the box by using < box :someicon:>< /box> or < box [[image someimage]]>...< /box>
  5. Or any wiki text in there < box **this is wiki**>...< /box>
  6. You can even do a boxes within boxes < box < box :someicon:>**Check it Yo**< /box>...< /box> etc... no limit on nested boxes!
  7. If you have problems with nested boxes that use images, try putting a space before each > on start tag (not end tag) Like < box < box :someicon: >< /box> >...< /box>


  1. Line starting with a = sign, followed by a space
    = this would be centered

Code Block **[-][--][++]

  1. Surround with code tags: < code>< /code>
  2. < code> and < /code> can be on their own lines
  3. ** I have added css classes to utilize the for advanced client side syntax highlighting
  4. Options
    1. All options are optional and can be in any order, options must use " (double quotes) and not ' (single quotes)
    2. < code type="php"> or nearly any language will highlight sytnax
    3. ** < code title="somefile.ini"> adds a title (caption)

Code Inline (teletype)[-][--][++]

  1. Just surround inline text with double {{code here}}

Color Text[-][--][++]

  1. Add color to text with ##red|some text here## or ##cc2000|test with html colors##
  2. See also Highlight

Color Reference Chart:

darkred : #8B0000 purple : #800080 darkgreen : #006400 midnightblue : #191970 teal : #008080
firebrick : #B22222 indigo : #4B0082 green : #008000 darkblue : #00008B darkcyan : #008B8B
red : #FF0000 blueviolet : #8A2BE2 darkolivegreen : #556B2F blue : #0000FF cadetblue : #5F9EA0
orangered : #FF4500 mediumpurple : #9370DB olivedrab : #6B8E23 darkslateblue : #483D8B seagreen : #2E8B57
tomato : #FF6347 mediumorchid : #BA55D3 limegreen : #32CD32 slateblue : #6A5ACD darkseagreen : #8FBC8F
darksalmon : #E9967A mediumvioletred : #C71585 yellowgreen : #9ACD32 royalblue : #4169E1 mediumseagreen : #3CB371
chocolate : #D2691E orchid : #DA70D6 darkslategray : #2F4F4F dodgerblue : #1E90FF lightseagreen : #20B2AA
darkgoldenrod : #B8860B indianred : #CD5C5C dimgray : #696969 cornflowerblue : #6495ED deepskyblue : #00BFFF
darkorange : #FF8C00 palevioletred : #DB7093 gray : #808080 steelblue : #4682B4 mediumaquamarine : #66CDAA
orange : #FFA500 lightcoral : #F08080 slategray : #708090 skyblue : #87CEEB
rosybrown : #BC8F8F darkgray : #A9A9A9

Command *[-][--][++]

Comment/REM Source *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. Add a comment line, or remark line to the source code that will not be displayed once parsed. For code comments
  3. < #comment here> (without space after < of course) inline or on a line of its own
  4. Or HTML style comments like < !-- comment here -->

Embed *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. Ability to embed different types of data, currently only the HTML of a URL, sort of like an iframe
  3. < embed url>

Exclude *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. Excludes text if topic is being included.
  3. Exclude tags are completely ignored unless the topic is being included in another document in which case anything inside < exclude>< /exclude> is stripped out.

Files *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. Use the files tag to display the files uploaded to the current topic or any other topic the viewer has access too.
  3. Simple mode uses default view settings, simply type < files>
  4. You can customize what files are shown, and how they are shown by adding options like < files path=#/Test; view=icon; nomenu; noheader>
  5. You can display files using the filemanager, or single files by link or inline
    1. Options for filemanager mode
      1. path=xx/xx; can point to another topic and subfolders (# is a wildcard, saying this topics id, so path=#/Test is this topics Test subfolder)
      2. filter=xx; like .dll or DSC* etc...
      3. noheader; hides the header (file/size/type/created) when in detail or detailpreview view
      4. nomenu; hides the file, view, edit,... menus
      5. nosubfolders; hides any subfolders in the current path
      6. nonav; hides the navigation links
      7. showhidden; shows hidden files (files beginning with a .)
      8. nocolumns; hides size, type, created columns when in detail or detailpreview view
      9. noselection; hides the select checkbox
      10. nobackground; hides the row background color when in detail or detailpreview view
      11. view=detail; or view=detailpreview; or view=icon; or view=preview changes the view
    2. Options for single file mode
      1. file=xx/xx/xx.xx; can point to another topics files if needed (# is a wildcard saying this topics id)
      2. title=sometitle; only used in 'link' view, this is the link name displayed. You can use title=%f to display only the filename without the path
      3. view=link; (default if no view specified) is just a link to the file, or view=inline; opens the file and prints the contents in the wiki source code (inserts pre parser, which means contents will be parsed by the wiki engine)
    3. Examples
      1. Manager Mode: Display a folder of images < files path=#/Colorado Vacation; filter=.jpg; view=preview; nomenu;>
      2. Single Mode: Link to a file with < files file=#/readme.txt; title=ClickMe> same as < files file=#/readme.txt; title=ClickMe; view=link>
      3. Single Mode: Include file contents, pre parse: < files file=100/somefile.txt; view=inline>
        1. Since inline files are pre parser, if the file contains wiki code, it will be parsed and rendered like wiki, unless you wrap the file tag inside a code tag!
  6. URL Security: Files can be accessed directory via URL with Files take on the permissions of the topic. You can login via URL with Files are not directly accessed via apache, instead they are hosted by files.php. This URL method works great for wget too!

Headings **[-][--][++]

  1. Headings are used to organize and group content and in the Table of Contents
  2. You can have 6 headings, use plus signs, on a line of its own +Largest Header or ++Second Largest Header...
  3. You may have a space after + +++ Header Three
  4. ** I have modified the original Text_Wiki headings parser to allow for expanding and collapsing of the header content!
  5. ** By default, all header content is expanded. If you want a certain header to be collapsed by default (on page load), then put the < -> tag in the header name +Header One < ->
  6. ** By default, all headers are added to the [[toc]] unless you add a < notoc> in the header name +Header One < notoc>
  7. ** To print the header starting on its own page (printer page break), add < pagebreak> to the header line.
  8. ** Sometimes it is required to end a headers content manually, example: the bottom of this article has the "* Not included in default" text, which is not under a header. To close a header, use < /+> (same number of pluses as the header you're closing, like < /++> or < /++++++>
  9. ** To collapse or expand all header content via the URL, use the ?collapse and ?expand GET variable.

Highlight *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. < highlight color>..< /highlight> can be inline or block, though if you use inline make sure the end tag is also on that same line
  3. Color is optional, will default to yellow highlight
  4. Color can be named colors or HTML colors or rbga colors. Rgba colors are the only ones that allow actual alpha transparency, ie: < highlight rgba(255,0,0,0.6)> is red with 60% opacity...
  5. I have 6 named colors setup as default rbga with good transparancies, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta.
  6. See also Color

Horizontal Line[-][--][++]

  1. Four dashes ---- on its own line

HTML Code[-][--][++]

  1. Process full html/css code by surrounding with < html>< /html> tags. Inline or Block.

Images **[-][--][++]

  1. Display image: [[image]]
  2. Display image with options: [[image style="width:20px;" align="right"]] (options must be double quotes)
    1. Display image with link: [[image link="" style="width:20px"]]
  3. ** Image can be local: [[image local:/image.jpg]]
  4. ** Display image with link to topic: [[image link="local:/topic/1"]]
  5. ** Link can also be local: [[image link="local:/search"]]
  6. ** File can also be local: [[image file.jpg link="file.jpg"]]
    1. Or [[image myfolder/anotherfolder/file.jpg" link="myfolder/anotherfolder/file.jpg]]
    2. Or [[image #/file.jpg link="#/file.jpg"]] wildcard # replace with post ID (/# also works
    3. Or [[image /345/file.jpg link="#/file.jpg"]] for direct post ID access no / in front will not work
    4. Or [[image /home/file.jpg link="/home/file.jpg"]] absolute path starting at entire site root, so /index/345/file.jpg also works because of how filesystem is layed out. Only use this when access posts by their static symlink path.
  7. Display just a link just type in the url, no special tags needed
  8. Display just a link with alternate name: [ ClickMe]

Include *[-][--][++]

  1. Include an entire topic inside another or include only a small section of one topic inside another
  2. All content included will be void of any < exclude>...< /exclude> content, see Exclude
  3. Some items in the included topic will not appear properly. Example, the files tag will show files of the master topic, not the included one.
  4. To include an entire topic simply add < include xx> where xx is the topic ID
  5. To include only a designated section of a topic use < include xx yy> where xx is the topic ID and yy is the section name (no sapce) defined with a < section> tag, see Section

Info Box *[-][--][++]

  1. Info box contents will be displayed on the right side of the page, in a small width box.
  2. You should only use one info box per topic, and it will mess with the TOC unless you add the toc into the info box (usually below its contents)
  3. If you use the info box, it should most always be the first content in your source code, even before TOC (since toc will usually be inside the info box)
  4. Simply add < info>....</ info>. Each tag should be on its own line
  5. To left justify the info box use < infol>....</ infol>

Links **[-][--][++]

  1. ** Topic Links by ID: ((1)) (will display the actual topics name)
  2. Topic Links by Name: ((About (will display the actual topics name)
  3. Change display text: ** ((1|ClickMe)) or ((About|ClickMe))
  4. External Link: no syntax, just type a link beginning with http or https or mailto, like
  5. External Link with different display text: [ ClickMe] like ClickMe
  6. ** Internal files: local:/search or [local:/search ClickMe] like local:/search or ClickMe
  7. InterWiki Links (links to other wiki sites): SiteName:PageName like MeatBall:RecentChanges
  8. Reference links Blah Blah, this quote should be references [[]], would look like this [1]

List - Definition[-][--][++]

  1. : Item 1 : Something here on its own line
  2. : Item 2 : Something else here on its own line

List - Ordered[-][--][++]

  1. A pound then a space for first level list # First Level on its own line
  2. A space, pound, space for second level list # Second Level on its own line
  3. 2 spaces, pound, space for third level and so on
  4. If you want to include multiple lines on one list item, use the _ (space then underscore) item
# First Item
 # Sub Item _
< code>
code box under the second item
< /code> 
 # Sub Item
  # Sub Sub Item
# Last Item

List - Unordered[-][--][++]

  1. Just like Ordered list above, except uses * instead of # signs
  2. You can mix ordered and unordered together
# Number One
 * Bullet
 * Bullet
# Number Two
 # Sub Number
  * Bullet

New Line *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. Insert a new line character (break the line to a new line, like HTML <br />)
  3. A simple [ \n] will break the line
  4. Usefull to include in tags that do not allow multiple lines like < box this is[ \n]wiki>...< /box>

No Print *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. Hide the contents during print with < noprint>...< /noprint>
  3. NOTE: this is very limited, it will not hide entire heading and contents because of my complex div expansion code, good for small items like hiding the toc on print... very limited.

PHP and PHPW *[-][--][++]

PHP Function Document Lookup[-][--][++]

  1. Creates a link to the PHP documentation for a given php function
  2. [[php eregi_replace]], like eregi_replace

Private *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. < priv>..< /priv> can be inline or block, though if you use inline make sure the end tag is also on that same line
  3. Hides the enclosed text from all users besides the topic creator (so private to the topic owner), excluding admin user
  4. See also Auth

Raw (or Literal)[-][--][++]

  1. Unparsed code, the wiki parser will not touch anything surrounded by two not parsed (tildes)


  1. Text revisious, like strike through and add
@@--- delete text +++ insert text @@
@@--- delete only @@
@@+++ insert only @@

# Example
delete text insert text
delete only
insert only

Section *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. You can group content into sections and give that section a name (no spaces). These sections can be used with includes
  3. Do NOT use spaces in section name
  4. Simply use < section some_name>...</ section>

Smileys and Icons **[-][--][++]

  1. Smileys are included with Text_Wiki but are disabled by default. ** I have added several custom rules/icons.
  2. Tag can be inline or on a line of its own, but if inline must have a space before and after the tag, or a space after the tag if it starts on a new line
  3. If used in a header, no space is required after the + +++:someicon: Header name, though a space is still required after the last :
  4. ** A space is NOT required after the last : if the next character is a >, this was designed for the box < box :someicon:>...< /box> command.
  5. See Smileys and Icons Table


  1. Surround with two , (commas) Y,,1,, + X like Y1 + X


  1. Surround with two ^ (carrots) x^^2^^ + y like x2 + y

Table of Contents **[-][--][++]

  1. Add [[toc]] to display a table of contents generated from Headings
  2. ** When you click an a TOC item, all header content is expanded first, then you are navigated to that header (addition because of new collapsible headers)


  1. There are two types of tables, datatables which allows advanced sorting and filtering and simple tables
  2. Datatables are the default and must have headers
  3. To use simple tables, headers are optional, but in the first line you must put <simpletable> at the end, see examples.
  4. Use ~ for a header. In other non header columns use = to center, < to left-align and > to right-align text.
  5. Standard datatables table
    ||~ First ||~ Last ||~ Phone ||
    || Joe    || Smith || 555-5551 ||
    || Jane   || Smith || 555-5552 ||
  6. Complex datatables
    ||~ Header ||~ Header ||
    || test 1st column  || test ||
    ||= asdf ||= asdf ||
    || you can span multiple columns ||||
  7. Table with headers but in <simpletable> mode
    ||~ First ||~ Last ||~ Phone ||< simpletable>
    || Joe    || Smith || 555-5551 ||
    || Jane   || Smith || 555-5552 ||

Teaser *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. When you create or edit a topic, the first 500 or so lines are trimmed and used as a generic teaser for the search browser view. Wiki code and html is trimmed in this generic teaser. If you want to display parsed wiki code or html or just a custom teaser, use this tag
  3. < teaser>< /teaser>

Textarea *[-][--][++]

  1. Entire tag not part of Text_Wiki
  2. If you are using raw html < html>< /html> and you want a textarea in there, then do NOT close the textarea in the normal way
  3. You must close it with < /!textarea> (without the space after <)
  4. If you want an actual wiki syntax text box, see Textbox

Smileys and Icons Table[-][--][++]

Syntax and Usage[-][--][++]

The basic smiley characters plus built in mrcore custom images. You can also add and override smileys using the built in GLOBAL topic functionality of mrcore like this

< phpw>
global $global_smileys_topic_id, $global_smileys;
$global_smileys_topic_id = xxx; 
$global_smileys = array(
 ':code:'         => array('mycode', 'Code'),
< /phpw>

This must be in the global global, not your personal global file. Whatever topic you choose for $global_smileys_topic_id should be publicly accessible and should contains a folder called smileys that contain all icon_xyz.png files, where xyz is the smiley name you define in the array. I choose to make this topic the same global topic, just add the smileys folder there and make it hidden and public! Icons must be .png and begin with icon_. All header icons (small icons) must end with _h, so icon_xyz_h.png. Most icons are either 48x48 (a few are 32x32), headers are always 18x18.

For syntax see Smileys and Icons

Most icons have a smaller derivative which I use mainly in headers, their syntax is always the same as their counterpart, except with an h at the beginning (ie: :hhd: or :h? or :hdownload:)

Also if a word works as plural, like plan or plans, then both can be used (ie: :plan: and :plans:...)


Arrows & Bullets[-][--][++]

Split:split: Join:join: Refresh:refresh: Refresh:refresh2: Refresh:refresh3: Undo:undo: Redo:redo:
Split Join Refresh Refresh Refresh Undo Redo

:new: :new2: :new3: :new4:  New:new5:  New:new6:  New:new7:  New:new8:
 New  New  New  New  New  New  New  New

:u: :d: :l: :r:
Up Down Left Right

:u2: :d2: :l2: :r2:
Up Down Left Right
:u3: :d3: :l3: :r3:
Up Down Left Right
:u4: :d4: :l4: :r4:
Up Down Left Right

:new9: :new10: :new11:  New:new12:
 New  New  New  New

Star:star: Star:star2: Star:star3: Star:star4: Star:star5:
Star Star Star Star Star

Flags & Links[-][--][++]

Flag:flag: Flag:flag2: Flag:flag3: Flag:flag4: Flag:flag5: Flag:flag6:
Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag

Link:link: Link:link2: Link:link3: Link:link4: Link:link5:
Link Link Link Link Link

Anchor:anchor: Related:related: Related:related2:
Anchor Related Related


Exclamation1:!: Exclamation2:!2: Exclamation3:!3: Exclamation4:!4: Exclamation4:!5: Exclamation4:!6:
Exclamation1 Exclamation2 Exclamation3 Exclamation4 Exclamation4 Exclamation4

Question:?: Question:?2: Question:?3: Question:?4: Question:?5:
Question Question Question Question Question

Error:error: Error:error2: Error:error3: Error:error4:
Error Error Error Error

Stop:stop: Stop:stop2: Stop:stop3:
Stop Stop Stop

Comment:comment: Comment:comment2: Comment:comment3: Comment:comment4: Comment:comment5:
Comment Comment Comment Comment Comment

Info:info: Info:info2:
Info Info

Idea:i: Idea:i2: Idea:i3:
Idea Idea Idea

Help:help: Help:help2:
Help Help


Computer:computer: Computer:computer2: Computer:computer3: Computer:computer4: Computer:computer5:
Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer

Server:server: Server:server2: Server:server3:
Server Server Server

Device:device: Device:device2: Device:device3:
Device Device Device

Hard Drive:hd: Hard Drive:hd2: Hard Drive:hd3:
Hard Drive Hard Drive Hard Drive

RAM:ram: RAM:ram2: RAM:ram3:


OS:os: OS:os2: OS:os3: OS:os4:

Download:download: Download:download2: Download:download3: Download:download4: Download:download5: Download:download6: Download:download7:
Download Download Download Download Download Download Download

Upload:upload: Upload:upload2: Upload:upload3: Upload:upload4: Upload:upload5: Upload:upload6: Upload:upload7:
Upload Upload Upload Upload Upload Upload Upload

Code:code: Code:code2: Code:code3: Code:code4: Code:code5: Code:code6:
Code Code Code Code Code Code

Shell:shell: Shell:shell2: Shell:shell3: Shell:shell4:
Shell Shell Shell Shell

Install:install: Install:install2: Install:install3: Install:install4: Install:install5:
Install Install Install Install Install

Config:config: Config:config2: Config:config3: Config:config4:
Config Config Config Config

Other Items[-][--][++]

Fixme:fixme: Fixme:fixme2: Fixme:fixme3:
Fixme Fixme Fixme

Construction:construction: Construction:construction2: Construction:construction3:
Construction Construction Construction

Tool:tool: Tool:tool2: Tool:tool3: Tool:tool4:
Tool Tool Tool Tool


Plan:plan: Plan:plan2:
Plan Plan

Network:network: Network:network2: Network:network3: Network:network4: Network:network5:
Network Network Network Network Network

Resource:resource: Resource:resource2:
Resource Resource

Document:document: Book:book: Clipboard:clipboard:
Document Book Clipboard

Postit:note: Postit:note2: Postit:note3:
Postit Postit Postit

Graph:graph: Graph:graph2:
Graph Graph

Map:map: Map:map2:
Map Map


Calendar:calendar: Calendar:calendar2: Calendar:calendar3: Calendar:calendar4:
Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar

Task:task: Task:task2: Task:task3: Task:task4:
Task Task Task Task

User:user: User:user2: User:user3: User:user4: User:user5:
User User User User User

Lock:lock: Lock:lock2: Lock:lock3: Lock:lock4: Lock:lock5: Lock:lock6: Lock:lock7:
Lock Lock Lock Lock Lock Lock Lock

Archive:archive: Archive:archive2: Archive:archive3:
Archive Archive Archive

Add:add: Subtract:subtract: Check:check: Refresh:refresh3: Exclamation3:!3: Error:error: Stop:stop:
Add Subtract Check Refresh Exclamation3 Error Stop

Thumb Up:thumbup: Thumb Down:thumbdown:
Thumb Up Thumb Down


Icon Type Syntax
Smile Smile :) or (:
Razz Razz :P
Very Happy Big Grin :D or :grin:
Wink Wink ;) or (;
Surprised Suprised :o or o: or :eek:
Confused Confused :?
Neutral Neutral :| or |:
Sad Sad :( or ):
Mad Mad :x
Cool Cool 8) or (8
Laughing LoL :lol:
Shocked Shocked :shock:
Rolling Eyes Rolleyes :roll:
Embarassed Redface :oops:
Crying or Very sad Cry :cry:
Evil or Very Mad Evil :evil:
Twisted Evil Twisted :twisted:
Mr. Green Mr. Green :mrgreen:
Exclamation1 Eexclaim1 :!:
Question Question1 :?:
Idea Idea1 :i:

* Entire tag not included in default Text_Wiki parser, an mRcore4 custom enhancement.
** Included in default Text_Wiki parser, but has been modified/expanded for mRcore4.