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qLinux ArchLinux
These are my custom linux distributions based on Arch Linux. I have built several different flavors. See below for version descriptions and how to install them. All versions can be install for i686 (32bit) or amb64 (64bit). If you install using the i686 live cd, it installs i686, if you install using the amd64 live cd, it installs amd64. Do NOT install these distros. These are personal distros, very rough installer, can easily ruin your data! Do NOT USE! This distro uses KDE4...
post #184 by mreschke Mar 5th 2010 (6154 views)
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Reschke, Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following c...
post #317 by mreschke Oct 1st 2013 (2692 views)
ArchLinux Pacman Package Manager
is the package manager application used by . Pacmans config file is located at /etc/pacman.conf. Pacman uses different repositories of files. These repos can be added to your system through the pacman.conf. By default, pacman uses 3 repos; core, extra and community. There are a lot of mirrors for pacman across the globe, pacman uses the /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file to determine which mirrors to use. The speed of pacman greatly depends on which mirrors you choose. Pacman uses wget by...
post #137 by mreschke Feb 23rd 2009 (7613 views)
FreeBSD Basics
FreeBSD is an advanced operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded computer platforms.[[]] This is only a brief crash course or introduction to a few of the import tasks in FreeBSD, mostly installing ports/packages, upgrading the system and navigating the file system. FreeBSD maintains an incredible wealth of documentation on their website, see their [ Handbook] for information. A great intro to FreeBSD can be found <box :!!!:> Please note that I come mostly from Linux, so I tend to setup FreeBSD in a manner that is similar to my Linux environment (ie, bash vs csh...). </box> > Each command in this topic starts with a # if it is meant to be run as the root user, or a $ (or no sign) if it is meant to be run as the regular user (your main user account)
post #270 by mreschke Oct 12th 2011 (4030 views)
ERPNext on Manjaro
How to get frappe and ERPNext up and running locally on your ArchLinux Manjaro machine This is actually fully untested and from memory only. pyenv is a python version manager that lets you have multiple versions of python on the same system. Need to have pyenv successfully working on your lapbop See Take note of all the ~/.bashrc stuff you have to add There is a pacman version, but its broken, simply use github Once properly installed and you can run the `pyen...
post #380 by mreschke Mar 31st 2020 (1646 views)
Burn CD/DVD and ISO Images in Linux
k3b uses this command /usr/bin/growisofs -Z /dev/sr1=/dev/fd/0 -use-the-force-luke=notray -use-the-force-luke=tty -use-the-force-luke=4gms -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:331264 -use-the-force-luke=dao:331264 -dvd-compat -speed=8 -use-the-force-luke=bufsize:32m wodim cdrecord (old, use wodim)... For example, to dump the content of /home/user directory into a standard CD ISO-9660 filesystem i...
post #126 by mreschke Feb 9th 2009 (5521 views)
Awk Command
See also and Awk is a very powerfull line editor filter or small programming language available in all unix style operating systems. This page contains small tutorial awk scripts and snippets. Columns are automatically assigned $1 - $n. And $0 is the entire line Awk has some built in functions: gsub(r,s) globally replaces r with s within the line ($0) index(s,t) returns first position of string t in s (or 0 if not present) length(s) returns the number of characters in s match(s,r...
post #225 by mreschke Dec 4th 2010 (6983 views)
Wiki Markup Cheat Sheet
The main wiki engine used in mRcore is [ Text_Wiki]. I have added several custom rules and tags to the source of text_wiki and mRcore. All official text_wiki syntax is supported, nothing has been removed, just modified a bit (denoted with * below). **This is the quick cheat sheet for the custom wiki parser used in mRcore.** An official [ Text_Wiki] cheat sheet can be found [ here].
post #21 by mreschke Jan 26th 2008 (17103 views) A tech wiki by Matthew Reschke Built with Laravel and the mrcore5/framework Browse Posts
post #1 by mreschke Nov 12th 2007 (259451 views)
Linux Primer
Linux itself is not an operating system. For simplicity, we use the word Linux to describe the entire operating system as a whole, but it is important to know this is not technically correct. Linux is only the kernel code (main brain) itself, written by Linus Torvalds. A kernel alone is useless, it needs a thousand other tools and applications to form an operating system. A Linux distribution is a Linux kernel with a ton of other software packages and pieces created by many other people...
post #331 by mreschke Jun 12th 2014 (2186 views)
manup install vimrc ,m toggle line number column ,f toggle fold column ,q close current window ,Q close current buffer ,d yank line without adding to the yanked stack ,v reselect text that was just pasted :w!! write as sudo ,ev edit vimrc file Tab jump to marching brackets / search K search for highlighted word ,/ clear search highlights ,z put highlighted word in search/replace box za fold i enter insert mo...
post #88 by mreschke Jul 22nd 2008 (4317 views)
Richland Creek Arkansas
See We are going to take a moderate (some sites say strenuous) 4-5 mile hike in the Arkansas Ozarks to 3 different waterfalls. It will take 6-7 hours to drive to Richland Creek Campground and the hike itself is only 4-5 miles. We will camp two nights, Friday and Saturday night in the Ozarks. There may or may not be a trail and there will most likely be a lot of bushwhacking. We do have a GPS and we have mapped out the area well. This will probably be a leisurely hike with plenty of stops...
post #319 by mreschke Oct 21st 2013 (4289 views)
qLinux Debian Xmonad
Login as root _ cat > /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99translations apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install sudo #Run visudo and add your user: yourmainuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL #Logout of root (type exit) and login as yourmainuser _ sudo apt-get install openssh-server rsync curl vim htop iotop multitail nmap kpartx parted smartmontools hdparm ntfsprogs sysstat ntp ntpdate bridge-utils ethtool ifenslave-2.6 python nfs-common nfs-kernel-server unzip unrar ssh...
post #318 by mreschke Oct 11th 2013 (2426 views)
Password Generator
Check Password Strength Here The Strongest and Easiest to Remember! 4 Random Words 3 Random Words and a Number Random Alpha-Numeric (less secure) 4 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters 6 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters 8 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters - 4 Random Lower Case Characters 6 Random Lower Case Characters 8 Random Lower Case Characters - 4 Random Upper Case Characters 6 Random Upper Case Characters 8 Random Upper Case Characters
post #308 by mreschke Jun 7th 2013 (973 views)
LFS 7.0 System
Build and enhance my first LFS 7.0 custom Linux distribution :r: :r: :r: :r: You should turn your LFS build into a LiveCD, then use that CD as the installer!!! Installer packages LC_ALL=POSIX I have successfully built LFS 7.0 i686 on my 2011 qdes...
post #282 by mreschke Jan 14th 2012 (6673 views)
<p>Learn how to connect to an an PHP/SOAP or ASP.NET/SOAP web service with PHP and how to create a PHP SOAP web service (server)</p>
post #278 by mreschke Nov 16th 2011 (7114 views)
SVN Command Line Usage
cd /var/www/ svn co mrcore4 This creates a dir named mrcore4 with contents of trunk cd mrcore4 and svn info to see info If you want to checkout by revision 123 use svn co mrcore4 All commands are from the root dir of your project To commit local changes into a report, you must run the add or delete command on each file. Run svn status shows if a file is A: File to be added C: Conflicting changes D: File to be d...
post #271 by mreschke Oct 20th 2011 (3071 views)
Windows Powershell
> Amazing script, this is for converting VHD's but it is an amazing reference, even build a GUI: (actual script How to even create and run a script file Basically enable local script execution with Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Always run scripts with either their full path c:\test\scri...
post #259 by mreschke Jul 13th 2011 (3599 views)
mRcore4 API Documentation
Official mRcore4 RESTful API Documentation! :r: Why? I have created several RESTful API's simply because I wanted to learn how to develop webservices using PHP and REST. I sort of followed Twitters API URL style (, if they can't do REST, no one can eh? Eventually I would like to create a native Android application for mRcore4 using these API's, and possibly experiment abstracting the database layer completely, making all queries through an API. It has already come in ha...
post #255 by mreschke Jun 14th 2011 (6426 views)
Ubuntu End of Life and Upgrades
<p>This topic helps with two things. One is to upgrade an old Ubuntu release to a new release, and by old I mean one that is no longer supported. Keep in mind that if say 9.04 is unsupported, but 9.10 is still supported, you can simply do the <tt>do-release-update</tt>. This doc helps when both 9.04 and 9.10 and above are EOL (end of life). Second is to maintain the use of an old Ubuntu distro even after its repositories stop working. Basically if you don't install the LTS (Long Term Support) release of Ubuntu then your distro is only supported for about a year. After that year all your repositories (using apt-get) fail and cannot be found. <strong>This is because Ubuntu archives the old repositories to a different URL.</strong> You don't actually have to upgrade your old Ubuntu distro, and you can continue to use it and its repos, you just have to switch to the new repo URL's. See below.</p>
post #254 by mreschke Jun 8th 2011 (10153 views)
Set Date Time in Linux
I need to adjust the date and time in linux quite often and sometimes its a pain to google the correct procedure of hardware clock and system clock. So here it is. This will change both your system clock and hardware clock together sudo date -s "7 JUN 2011 12:44:00"; sudo hwclock --systohc Show System Clock date Show Hardware Clock sudo hwclock --show Change System Clock sudo date -s "2 OCT 2006 18:00:00" Set Hardware Clock from System Clock sudo hwclock --systohc Set System Clock from Hardware...
post #253 by mreschke Jun 7th 2011 (3759 views)
PHP Snippets
Small miscellaneous PHP code snippets and scripts while (list($key, $value) = each($_POST)) { echo "$key - $value"; }
post #244 by mreschke Apr 14th 2011 (2459 views)
Regular Expressions I have a large html file, I want to remove anything between the tags, even if the contents is on multiple lines. There is a regex option called RegexOptions.MultiLine which I though would work, but its actually the RegexOptions.Singleline below what makes it span multiple lines, see for details on RegexOptions.Singleline. Dim reg As New Regex...
post #238 by mreschke Mar 8th 2011 (3433 views)
Android Development
Easy install is to add to your /etc/pacman.conf file then through aur install android-sdk sudo pacman -S jdk eclipse sudo yaourt -S android-sdk Note, the android-sdk is in the AUR, which is why I use yaourt Add /opt/android-sdk/tools if not already added by installer in /etc/profile and logout and back in or restart Run eclipse Install the WST Server Adapters In eclipse, Help->Install New Software Select the 'Helios -' item from the 'Work With:' dropdow...
post #237 by mreschke Feb 26th 2011 (8830 views)
Mac Ports
Update ports tree sudo port selfupdate List all ports port list Search for a port port search xxx Info on a port port info xxx Install port with port install xxx Show outdated ports port outdated Upgrade all your existing ports sudo port upgrade outdated Upgrade one port sudo port upgrade xxx You can install GTK apps like leafpad, but they look ugly. Change the GTK theme with: You can use the mac4lin gtk theme, see:
post #232 by mreschke Feb 3rd 2011 (3111 views)
Sed Command
See Also and Replace all occurrence's in a file (and write back to the same file) sed -i "s/this/withthis/g" /tmp/somefile Replace output newline (carriage return) with sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' emailbody="Your Directory`/bin/ls -Rhal $yourdir|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\ng'`"
post #226 by mreschke Dec 6th 2010 (3368 views)
qLinux ArchLinux KDE4 Development
= :related: Related Topics :r: :r: :r: :r: This is the development topic for my custom ArchLinux KDE4 Distro. The public install page is Add to installer, screen command with my ~/.screenrc If you want to customize the overlay and upload it for all new installs, follow these steps. For creator only, passwords required Install the latest fresh qLinux ArchLinux KDE4 distro Become root su for all commands below mkdir /mrch, should be owned by root:root cd /mrch then wget
post #223 by mreschke Dec 1st 2010 (5334 views)
Rute Users Tutorial and Exposition
**An incredible linux administrators guide thanks to Linux Format Magazine (LXF Issue 138).** You can download the entire guide here [ rute-html-1.0.0.tar.bz2] Or read the full guide on my site by [local:/files/222/index.html clicking here!] [[image files/222/cover5.jpg link="222/index.html"]]
post #222 by mreschke Nov 26th 2010 (3986 views)
This script will email a log file (or any file specified) only if the file is under a certain size. If the file is over that size limit, it will still email, but no log will be attached. See Script does not use parameters, everything is hard coded, so just call the .vbs. Great in a scheduled task to email you a daily log file. Can easily be modified with parameters for various purposes. Option Explicit Dim iMsg, iConf, Flds, pc 'Email vars Dim logFile, maxLogSize 'Log vars Dim FSO, File, strSiz...
post #213 by mreschke Nov 10th 2010 (2931 views)
This script will start or stop a process by process name. If the process is already running with a start is called, it will not start a duplicate. The benefit is that it will NOT start the script twice. So if you want to ensure an application is running all the time, just setup a scheduled task to run this script every 10 minutes, if the .exe dies it will start it, if the .exe is still running, it won't start a duplication. REM Example Script.bat (note I path to the .exe dir so it runs in its l...
post #212 by mreschke Nov 10th 2010 (2742 views)
This script will recursively delete all files in every subfolder older than X days. Will not delete any folders, just files. I create a batch file and call the vbs script for any directory I need purged. rem Use this script to clean up any old files automatically. rem This .bat will be called weekly from a scheduled task, and will rem call the d:\production\batch\generic\DeleteOldFiles.vbs with directory/day parameters rem the commands will not run simultaneously (unless they begin with start)...
post #211 by mreschke Nov 10th 2010 (5189 views)
h3ff01 Home
Hello! Anybody there? Move along now
post #210 by h3ff01 Nov 9th 2010 (5380 views)
Wiki Help
See also Add a ?delete to url to show all deleted comments in a topic Add ?collapseall to url to collapse all headers Add ?expandall to url to expand all headers View Mode ?simple or the legacy ?viewmode=simple means code is wiki parsed but no layout is present (no header, search bar, avatar...just the topic). The topics CSS/JS are present here, so the topic itself should still look/function normally ?raw or the legacy ?viewmode=raw means code is wiki parsed but no layout or css or javasc...
post #205 by mreschke Oct 26th 2010 (5607 views)
Javascript Session Timeout
I nice piece of javascript to alert the user X minutes before their session will timeout. Then again when their session actually times out. After they click OK on the last message, it redirects back to the login page (or wherever you want). The only variables you need to edit are warn_sec, timeout_sec, and window.location.href. Session Timeout Warning and Redirect mReschke 2010-09-29 function InitSessionTimer() { /mReschke 2010-09-29 */ warn_sec = 59 60 1000; Warning time in milliseconds timeout...
post #201 by mreschke Sep 29th 2010 (16153 views)
Linux Wifi
Install the Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG on linux Wicd for XFCE is an awesome wifi manager sudo apt-get install wicd /etc/init.d/wicd start wicd-client -n &
post #196 by mreschke Jul 12th 2010 (3024 views)
Python Tutorial
django installation on ubuntu server using WSGI works great! Great Tutorials and #!/usr/bin/env python Tuples (like lists but immutable) mytuple = (1, 2, 'three') print len(mytuple) print mytuple #tuple = 'hi' #error, immutable def Foo(): tuple = ('one', 'two') return tuple test = Foo() print test (one, two)...
post #195 by mreschke Jul 9th 2010 (5554 views)
Copy Remote FS with DD
How to copy a partition using dd, to a remove partition with netcat. Awesome! I found this here
post #187 by mreschke Apr 7th 2010 (3600 views)
Outlook Resources
A user of OWA (outlook web access) cannot create an event on a public shared calendar and invite attendees, the invite button is grayed out. This is by Microsoft design (google it). In order to allow an OWA user to create a calendar event with his calendar, other users calendar, and a public calendar, the public calendar must be assigned an email address and the OWA user must create the event from his own personal calendar, then click invite, then search for the public calendar as an attendee....
post #185 by mreschke Mar 11th 2010 (3986 views)
Linux Training
(Base System, Directory Layout, Everything's a file) This is a series of Linux/GNU tutorials which will be held live via Google Wave. The purpose of these tutorials is to help my new Linux friends become familiar with the Linux command line (bash). We will cover basic topics such as installing linux, multiboot setups and partitioning, basic and advanced command line, shell scripting (bash/perl), SSH/Webmin/VNC/FreeNX remote administration, network administration, and web server administration,...
post #182 by mreschke Feb 11th 2010 (4757 views)
Linux Training Session 01
Back to Part one will be held live on Google Wave Thursday 2010-02-17 at 10PM CST Base System Directory Layout & What/Where everything is Everything is a file (real or fake file) About 1 hour or so of time A ready mind; study, memorize, experiment, retain. An installed, working Linux OS (you can use Mac OS or BSD too, just use the bash shell, and know some parameters will be different) Internet connection (duh) with your Linux browser open Bash shell open and ready to experiment along with me o...
post #181 by mreschke Feb 11th 2010 (5344 views)
Respin Your Own Linux Distro
Awesome ubuntu respins (wow, this is what I have been looking for forever, its perfect) Nice ubuntu remaster, notice how they copy certain home folders to /etc/skel remastersys (debian ubuntu) systemimager (any?) kickstart (Red Had/Fedora/Centos) remasterme (PCLinuxOS) Mount an ISO, then chroo...
post #179 by mreschke Jan 28th 2010 (6362 views)
Adjust iFrame Height Instead of onclick, I am going to add a function AdjustHeight to the onload of the body of the child frame And add this function the the iframe aspx page. Doesn't work for me yet because my iframe is nested in a DetailRow So I have to find the correct name for the iframe. function AdjustHeight() { parent.document.getElementById('ifrForms').style.height = document.body.scrollHeight } Javascript Tip: Adjust iframe Size to Fit its Contents Sometimes we put...
post #171 by mreschke Jan 7th 2010 (3476 views)
SMTP from MSSQL Procedure
Ability to send an email from a MSSQL Stored Procedure Download the attached .zip and extract Copy the xpsmtp80.dll to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn Run this procedure on the servers master database _ exec sp_addextendedproc 'xp_smtp_sendmail', 'xpsmtp80.dll' Use this syntax for a simple email _ DECLARE @rc INT EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail @FROM = N'', @FROM_NAME = N'fromname', @replyto = N'', @TO = N'...
post #167 by mreschke Dec 23rd 2009 (6899 views)
Embedded Linux
See my and http:ww...
post #158 by mreschke Oct 5th 2009 (5891 views)
Palm Zire72 Linux
My Attempts to get my own compiled kernel to boot on my Palm Zire72 I am currently trying to build a simple busybox system for i386 using Buildroot It's compiling now, been going for about 15 minutes on my Athlon X2 2GHz I am also testing Scratchbox Followed and it took about 20 minutes on my Athlon X2 2Ghz. I basically just built it with...
post #156 by mreschke Sep 29th 2009 (3548 views)
Recursive File Search or List in .NET
I am sure you all have your functions for a recursive directory/file listing, or file searching by wildcard function for .net, but here is another one, works great. I use it to get a list of all *.aspx pages in a project like this. Dim baseDirectory As System.IO.DirectoryInfo = New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(“c:\projects\SSO\”) Dim x As New DSF.SSO.Other.FileSearch(baseDirectory, "*.aspx") Dim pageName As String = "" x.Search(, "*.aspx") lblMessage.Text = "" For Each f As System.IO.FileInfo In...
post #153 by mreschke Sep 10th 2009 (3181 views)
Concat Strings and Variables in ASPX Page
Lets say you have a datagrid with a hyperlink on each row that points to, where the ID is part of the dataset. Usually what I would do is add in the hyperlink NavigationURL in the .vb codebehind in the grid_ItemDataBound function like 'Tracker Copies Grid Protected Sub grdCopies_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles grdCopies.ItemDataBound Select Case e.Item.ItemType Case ListItemType.AlternatingItem, ListI...
post #150 by mreschke Jul 7th 2009 (7352 views)
Repair Corrupt InnoDB Tables
Repair a MySQL InnoDB database table corrupted by a power outage = :related: Related Topics :r: I have a linux server built from a standard dell workstation. 1 500g sata II drive, core 2 duo, 1g ram. It is running Ubuntu server 8.04 with mysql (InnoDB tables), php, apache, and Zabbix. The primary role of this server is to monitor our other production servers using an open source monitoring application called Zabbix. We had a large electrical/tornado storm one day and power went out to the zabbi...
post #148 by mreschke Jun 18th 2009 (12129 views)
Display Table Sizes in MSSQL
This query will display a list of all tables along with disk sizes and index sizes -- Get all tables rows count, sizes, index size in MB -- mReschke 2012-10-16 SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @cmdstr VARCHAR(100) CREATE TABLE #TempTable ( VARCHAR(150), ROW_COUNT INT, Table_Size VARCHAR(150), Data_Space_Used VARCHAR(150), Index_Space_Used VARCHAR(150), Unused_Space VARCHAR(150)) CREATE TABLE #TempTable2 (TableName VARCHAR(150), INT, DataMB INT, IndexMB INT, TotalMB INT, UnusedMB INT) SELECT @cmdstr = 'sp_...
post #147 by mreschke Jun 5th 2009 (3296 views)
DevExpress ASPxGridView
DevExpress ASPxGridView In this example, the GridView has 4 columns, a column with a checkbox, and 3 columns of data. I want to loop through all grid columns and get which checkboxes are selected. (Note the same column with the checkbox also has a hiddel ASPxLabel called lblID that holds the OPC_ID of the database row to be deleted). And in the GetCurrentPageRowValues("Confirm"), confirm is the header name (not caption, but name=) of a column in the grid (column display headers are 'Confirm,Op...
post #145 by mreschke May 18th 2009 (9886 views)
Showing 1 to 50 of 116 results