Connect to an PHP/SOAP or ASP.NET/SOAP web service with PHP and how to create a PHP SOAP web service (server)


Info Summary[-][--][++]

Learn how to connect to an an PHP/SOAP or ASP.NET/SOAP web service with PHP and how to create a PHP SOAP web service (server)

Code PHP SOAP Client[-][--][++]

Code PHP Client Connect to ASP.NET ASMX[-][--][++]

Here are two different methods for connecting to the ASP.NET .asmx file

Method 1

Soap Client
Connect to an ASP.NET SOAP webservice
mReschke 2011-11-16

In this example, we have a webservice function called GetSpif that takes one parameter _spifID

try {
    $client = new SoapClient("");
    //Parameters must be an associative array
    $params = array();
    $params["_spifID"] = 2;
    $result = $client->GetSpif($params)->GetSpifResult;

    echo "
"; echo $result->ownerID."
"; echo $result->spifTypeID; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error!
"; echo $e -> getMessage (); } ?>

Method 2

Soap Client
Connect to an ASP.NET SOAP webservice
mReschke 2011-11-16

In this example, we have a webservice function called GetSpif that takes one parameter _spifID

class Test {
    public $_spifID;

$parameters = new Test;
$parameters->_spifID = 2;

try {
    $client = new SoapClient ("", array('classmap' => array('GetSpif' => 'Test')));
    $result = $client->GetSpif($parameters);
    echo "Success";
catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Error!
"; echo $e -> getMessage (); }

Code PHP Client Connect to PHP SOAP Service[-][--][++]

This would be the example PHP SOAP server

 PHP SOAP Server From:
function echoo($echo){
    return "ECHO: ".$echo;

$server = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => "urn://tyler/res"));

And here is the PHP SOAP client connecting to the PHP SOAP server

try {
    /* This connects to a PHP SOAP server, not an ASP.NET asmx SOAP server */
    /* PHP Client connecting to PHP SOAP webservice from */
    $client = new SoapClient(NULL, array(
                             'location' => "",
                             'uri'      => "urn://tyler/req"));
    $result = $client->__soapCall("echoo", array('Waz Up SOAP!!'));
    echo "
"; print $result; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error!
"; echo $e -> getMessage (); } ?>

Code PHP SOAP WebService (Server)[-][--][++]

 PHP SOAP Server From:
function echoo($echo){
    return "ECHO: ".$echo;

$server = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => "urn://tyler/res"));

Resource Resources[-][--][++]