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<p>Learn how to connect to an an PHP/SOAP or ASP.NET/SOAP web service with PHP and how to create a PHP SOAP web service (server)</p>
post #278 by mreschke Nov 16th 2011 (6797 views)
SVN Command Line Usage
cd /var/www/ svn co mrcore4 This creates a dir named mrcore4 with contents of trunk cd mrcore4 and svn info to see info If you want to checkout by revision 123 use svn co mrcore4 All commands are from the root dir of your project To commit local changes into a report, you must run the add or delete command on each file. Run svn status shows if a file is A: File to be added C: Conflicting changes D: File to be d...
post #271 by mreschke Oct 20th 2011 (2755 views)
mRcore4 API Documentation
Official mRcore4 RESTful API Documentation! :r: Why? I have created several RESTful API's simply because I wanted to learn how to develop webservices using PHP and REST. I sort of followed Twitters API URL style (, if they can't do REST, no one can eh? Eventually I would like to create a native Android application for mRcore4 using these API's, and possibly experiment abstracting the database layer completely, making all queries through an API. It has already come in ha...
post #255 by mreschke Jun 14th 2011 (6110 views)
Ubuntu End of Life and Upgrades
<p>This topic helps with two things. One is to upgrade an old Ubuntu release to a new release, and by old I mean one that is no longer supported. Keep in mind that if say 9.04 is unsupported, but 9.10 is still supported, you can simply do the <tt>do-release-update</tt>. This doc helps when both 9.04 and 9.10 and above are EOL (end of life). Second is to maintain the use of an old Ubuntu distro even after its repositories stop working. Basically if you don't install the LTS (Long Term Support) release of Ubuntu then your distro is only supported for about a year. After that year all your repositories (using apt-get) fail and cannot be found. <strong>This is because Ubuntu archives the old repositories to a different URL.</strong> You don't actually have to upgrade your old Ubuntu distro, and you can continue to use it and its repos, you just have to switch to the new repo URL's. See below.</p>
post #254 by mreschke Jun 8th 2011 (9812 views)
Virtualbox in Linux
See When you get say, Windows XP setup in your VirtualBox virtual machine, you can easily forward ports from the Host OS, to the Guest OS. An example, I want to use the windows Remote Desktop to remote into my virtual XP installation. I open port 3389 on my router to point to my ubuntu desktop, then I forward that port into my guest OS. List vms: VBoxManage list vms List Extra Data (port forwards): VBoxManage getextradata xpserver enumerate To forward to a machine
post #131 by mreschke Feb 11th 2009 (3251 views)
Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM)
Very nice, KVM on ubuntu instructions Remember, theres also VirtualBox which I do have running, and there is vmware which I also have running. First attempt to virt vista Installing Windows Vista Ultimate on a KVM Virtual Machine running on Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 Check if CPU can virtualize (can it returns any results) egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo Check if you have a 64 CPU (is if it returns any results) grep ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo Check if y...
post #128 by mreschke Feb 9th 2009 (5537 views)
Protect Apache Alias with htaccess
How to password protect a apache alias Alias /seagate750/ "/mnt/seagate750/" AllowOverride All Options Indexes MultiViews Allow from all Note, must goto http:server/seagate750/ (Must have that last /) make /mnt/seagate750/.htaccess AuthType Basic AuthName "Password" AuthUserFile /mnt/seagate750/.htpasswd require valid-user make /mnt/seagate750/.htpasswd mreschke:blahblahblah replace that with the correct password, you can find a apache password generator online, just enter mreschke as the user M...
post #115 by mreschke Oct 21st 2008 (4222 views)
Remote Filesystem with SSHFS
Used for mounting a folder over SSH (Secure Shell File System). So I can map drives from a remote linux server. From apt-get install sshfs or yum install fuse-sshfs Finally, as sshfs is designed to be used by regular users (not under superuser privileges) you should add yourself (and possibly others) to the fuse system group. Something like this should do: usermod -a -G fuse You must logout and login again...
post #105 by mreschke Sep 14th 2008 (5217 views)
FreeNX Remote Desktop
FreeNX ( is a Terminal Server for Unix & Linux, similar to windows remote desktop or linux 2xTerminalServer. It is based off the non-free NX ( FreeNX client is only for linux, but NX has free clients for windows ( Note, uses SSH, so uses that port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config also, in sshd_config, if you have the AllowUsers set, then must add nx ex: AllowUsers nx...
post #97 by mreschke Aug 18th 2008 (2985 views)
Samba in Ubuntu
apt-get install samba Add the linux user, but disable linux box login useradd -d /home/username -s /bin/false -n username This will create a new user with same group name with (told by '-n'), but the user can't login and run any shell command (because you have specfic the login shell is /bin/false by the '-s' switch, if you want allow user to able to login to a shell, replace /bin/false with /bin/sh). Create a samba user (same as linux username created above) smbpasswd -a username '-a' switch t...
post #94 by mreschke Jul 26th 2008 (5590 views)
Linux NFS Remote Filesystem
Overview of the nfs server options I choose See man exportfs and for NFS server option details. Also CentOS docs are great for NFS client/serve details secure server must be started by root because it will use ports lower than 1024 rw enable read and write sync data must be fully synced to disk, this prevents corruption if a server crashes no_wdelay I use this because my nfs re...
post #67 by mreschke May 20th 2008 (4680 views)
Iptables Firewall
<p>This document describes a small portion of iptables and how to setup a basic firewall using iptables. There are many huge books on iptables so I cannot go into any sort of detail here. If you want to create a more advanced firewall, then I suggest installing shorewall and reading the documentation <a class="urlLink" href="" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"></a> about setting it up. I generally use shorewall on my systems and configure them using <a class="urlLink" href="" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"></a>.</p>
post #66 by mreschke May 20th 2008 (5411 views)
SSH Security
<h1 class="heading1" id="toc0">Deny Root Login</h1><a href="#top"><div class="heading_top"></div></a> <p><strong>Never allow root ssh access and make sure all users are disabled except the ones you want, I use KUser KDE User Manager, all users are disabled by default except root and your login username.</strong></p> <ol> <li>Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config</li> <li>There should be a line remmed that says #PermitRootLogin yes, unrem that and change to no</li> </ol> <h1 class="heading1" id="toc1">Different Ports and IPs</h1><a href="#top"><div class="heading_top"></div></a> <p>If your clients do not have SSH access (web hosting for example), a<br /> good way to secure your box is to run SSH on an unknown port and IP, so<br /> that people do not know your SSH port, so can't brute force it.</p>
post #42 by mreschke Apr 12th 2008 (4626 views)
Daemons and Runlevels
See LXF 114 p48, 'Banish Your Daemons' Runlevels are defined levels in which a linux operating system can start. Daemons (or services) are scripts/programs that run in the background constantly (like apache or mysql are services that are always running) and are usually executed at startup by the defined runlevel. Runlevels are identified by a number from 0 - 6, but each linux distribution may use those numbers a bit differently. Basically a runlevel determines which daemons to execute at startu...
post #41 by mreschke Apr 12th 2008 (13047 views)
2x Terminal Server
<p>2xTerminalServer is a Remote administration tool similar to Mircosoft Remote Desktop Server. It allows a user to connect to a remote linux workstation on his or her own private session.</p> <p>The 2x Terminal <strong>server</strong> is only for linux, but a linux and windows connection <strong>client</strong> is available.</p> <p><a class="urlLink" href="" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"></a></p>
post #35 by mreschke Mar 24th 2008 (4218 views)
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