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<p>Learn how to connect to an an PHP/SOAP or ASP.NET/SOAP web service with PHP and how to create a PHP SOAP web service (server)</p>
post #278 by mreschke Nov 16th 2011 (6803 views)
Concat Strings and Variables in ASPX Page
Lets say you have a datagrid with a hyperlink on each row that points to, where the ID is part of the dataset. Usually what I would do is add in the hyperlink NavigationURL in the .vb codebehind in the grid_ItemDataBound function like 'Tracker Copies Grid Protected Sub grdCopies_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles grdCopies.ItemDataBound Select Case e.Item.ItemType Case ListItemType.AlternatingItem, ListI...
post #150 by mreschke Jul 7th 2009 (7121 views)
ASP.NET DataSet or DataTable to Excel
Export a dataset or datatable to excel .csv then stream (prompt for download) the file. This code uses a datatable, if you have a dataset, just convert to datatable like so Dim dt as new DataTable dt = ds.Tables(0) Dim sw As New System.IO.StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~/data.csv"), false); Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable ds = Session("trkDsResults") dt = ds.Tables(0) Dim iCol As Int16 = dt.Columns.Count Dim i As Int16 For i = 0 To iCol - 1 sw.Write(dt.Columns(i)) If i < iCol - 1 The...
post #84 by mreschke Jul 16th 2008 (3472 views)
ASP.NET Datagrid to HTML
Export an ASP.NET datagrid to HTML Then you could stream the file to their browser with
post #85 by mreschke Jul 16th 2008 (3392 views)
ASP.NET Alternate POST Method
When you click a button in ASP.NET, it POSTS to itself and calls the btnXXX_click function. One way to make it go to another .aspx page on click is to call Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect from within that btnXXX_click function, but no form variables will be passed along. I want to goto a btnXXX_Click function when the button is clicked, then do some stuff, then redirect to another page along with the form variables Doing a Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect will NOT transfer the form var...
post #78 by mreschke Jun 11th 2008 (3251 views)
ASP.NET Datagrid Date Formatting with NULLS
When displaying a formated date string in an ASP.NET datagrid, you get an error if the dataset field is NULL If closeDate is not NULL, this works fine, otherwise it errors. This works if closeDate is not NULL, otherwise it displays MM/dd/yyyy (in that format, not date format, does not display date) This works if closeDate is null (displays nothing), or contains a date. This is what you want to use.
post #77 by mreschke Jun 11th 2008 (3744 views)
Impersonation in ASP.NET
<p>Impersonation is the concept whereby an application executes under the context of the identity of the client that is accessing the application. This is achieved by using the access token provided by IIS.</p> <p>Can impersonate entire website by editing the web.config or impersonate chunks of code in the codebehind.<br /> <strong>Very usefull when accessing folders on a remote server that has no domain</strong></p>
post #29 by mreschke Feb 29th 2008 (3233 views)
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