The Problem[-][--][++]

When you click a button in ASP.NET, it POSTS to itself and calls the btnXXX_click function. \
One way to make it go to another .aspx page on click is to call Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect \
from within that btnXXX_click function, but no form variables will be passed along.

I want to goto a btnXXX_Click function when the button is clicked, then do some stuff, then redirect \
to another page along with the form variables Doing a Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect will NOT transfer \
the form variables with it.

The Solution[-][--][++]

What we have to do, is take those forms, convert them into context items, then call the .aspx page we want \
with Server.Transfer.

To add all forms into the context.Items:

Private Sub btnGenReports_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGenReports.Click

 Dim strUrl as String = "posttothispage.aspx"

        'Copy all request objects into Context Items for next page (make-shift POST method)
        For Each r As String In Request.Params  'params are all the request object names (not values)
            context.Items.Add(r, Request(r))    'request(param name) is the value of the request object

        ' or use Response.Redirect(strUrlResults)

End Sub

Now, in 'posttothispage.aspx', you would access those forms by:


from here, you can read individual forms, or do a loop algorithm, or whatever you need.

This is a "Make Shift" POST method in ASP.NET by mReschke 08:55, 10 October 2007 (CDT)