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Set Date Time in Linux
I need to adjust the date and time in linux quite often and sometimes its a pain to google the correct procedure of hardware clock and system clock. So here it is. This will change both your system clock and hardware clock together sudo date -s "7 JUN 2011 12:44:00"; sudo hwclock --systohc Show System Clock date Show Hardware Clock sudo hwclock --show Change System Clock sudo date -s "2 OCT 2006 18:00:00" Set Hardware Clock from System Clock sudo hwclock --systohc Set System Clock from Hardware...
post #253 by mreschke Jun 7th 2011 (3484 views)
Daemons and Runlevels
See LXF 114 p48, 'Banish Your Daemons' Runlevels are defined levels in which a linux operating system can start. Daemons (or services) are scripts/programs that run in the background constantly (like apache or mysql are services that are always running) and are usually executed at startup by the defined runlevel. Runlevels are identified by a number from 0 - 6, but each linux distribution may use those numbers a bit differently. Basically a runlevel determines which daemons to execute at startu...
post #41 by mreschke Apr 12th 2008 (13050 views)
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