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Password Generator
Check Password Strength Here The Strongest and Easiest to Remember! 4 Random Words 3 Random Words and a Number Random Alpha-Numeric (less secure) 4 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters 6 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters 8 Random Upper/Lower Case Characters - 4 Random Lower Case Characters 6 Random Lower Case Characters 8 Random Lower Case Characters - 4 Random Upper Case Characters 6 Random Upper Case Characters 8 Random Upper Case Characters
post #308 by mreschke Jun 7th 2013 (817 views)
Protect Apache Alias with htaccess
How to password protect a apache alias Alias /seagate750/ "/mnt/seagate750/" AllowOverride All Options Indexes MultiViews Allow from all Note, must goto http:server/seagate750/ (Must have that last /) make /mnt/seagate750/.htaccess AuthType Basic AuthName "Password" AuthUserFile /mnt/seagate750/.htpasswd require valid-user make /mnt/seagate750/.htpasswd mreschke:blahblahblah replace that with the correct password, you can find a apache password generator online, just enter mreschke as the user M...
post #115 by mreschke Oct 21st 2008 (4223 views)
For this to work the servers /etc/ssh/sshd_config must have RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes On the local client, in a terminal, as the user you normally use to ssh with (like your normal username) ssh-keygen -t rsa This generates an RSA key for SSHv2 (v2 is the -t paramater) This creates 2 files in your /home/username/.ssh/ folder id_rsa, which is the private key which is the public key Now we have to get that public key file on to the server your are connecting to wit...
post #106 by mreschke Sep 14th 2008 (4917 views)
Manage Linux Users and Groups
A quick topic describing how to create and manage linux users and groups from the command line. This topic only describes what linux users and groups are and how to manage them. It does not explain security and permissions for those users. Please see for help on that topic. > Remember to use --help (example usermod --help to see a help list for that command Linux is a multi-user operating system. The linux user system uses users and groups to define a users role on the system. A user...
post #104 by mreschke Sep 13th 2008 (7157 views)
Iptables Firewall
<p>This document describes a small portion of iptables and how to setup a basic firewall using iptables. There are many huge books on iptables so I cannot go into any sort of detail here. If you want to create a more advanced firewall, then I suggest installing shorewall and reading the documentation <a class="urlLink" href="" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"></a> about setting it up. I generally use shorewall on my systems and configure them using <a class="urlLink" href="" onclick=", '_blank'); return false;"></a>.</p>
post #66 by mreschke May 20th 2008 (5414 views)
SSH Security
<h1 class="heading1" id="toc0">Deny Root Login</h1><a href="#top"><div class="heading_top"></div></a> <p><strong>Never allow root ssh access and make sure all users are disabled except the ones you want, I use KUser KDE User Manager, all users are disabled by default except root and your login username.</strong></p> <ol> <li>Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config</li> <li>There should be a line remmed that says #PermitRootLogin yes, unrem that and change to no</li> </ol> <h1 class="heading1" id="toc1">Different Ports and IPs</h1><a href="#top"><div class="heading_top"></div></a> <p>If your clients do not have SSH access (web hosting for example), a<br /> good way to secure your box is to run SSH on an unknown port and IP, so<br /> that people do not know your SSH port, so can't brute force it.</p>
post #42 by mreschke Apr 12th 2008 (4628 views)
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